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Reviews for Highly Improbable

benji 2005.02.14 - 06:44PM 26: There'll Be Some Changes Made Signed
Interesting story. I've enjoyed the puns.

Author's Response: Always nice to hear from a new reviewer. Thanks for letting me know!

LariLee 2005.02.14 - 04:51PM 26: There'll Be Some Changes Made Signed
Built-in dispensers of whipped cream and chocolate sauce... damn I like the way that girl thinks!
Snape entered the Floo with his cloak between his legs I suspect the cloak was taking the place of a tail. Wonderful verse, by the way. And I love the diet Dr Pepper influence! And, the dark overtones are showing but they're not overwhelming the story. You've kept the humor beautifully while working in everything else! And I adore all the Canon references! You work them in flawlessly! I'm gushing. But I can't help myself--I love this story!

Author's Response: I suppose a dispenser for shampoo for oily hair would have been more practical! Yes, his cloak was a stand-in for a tail. Thanks, Lisa!

Grainne 2005.02.14 - 03:14PM 26: There'll Be Some Changes Made Anonymous
On this Valentine's Day, a holiday I do not normally celebrate, I have snuck away from my duties to have a secret tryst with your story...and have come away with a BIG smile on my face. You have expertly combined so many wonderful elements in this chapter--Snape's birthday, the canon events of PoA, more poetry (I could go on for quite a bit)...but best of all are the foibles of emotionally-stunted, yet eager, Snape, and the way that Clancy both encourages him and sets limits for him when necessary. I love the fate of the spinster portraits, and as for Clancy's shower remodel ideas...you're sure to start a new trend in DIY. The looming troubles are being folded in little by little in each chapter, like flour in a batter, and I think this suits the story wonderfully. Thank you, Vocalion!

Author's Response: Thanks, Grainne! It was never my intention to let this story get too dark, so it's going to be a bit a a balancing act from here on in.

Sigune 2005.02.14 - 02:44PM 26: There'll Be Some Changes Made Signed
"You think you've got me all figured out, do you?" - Hmmm... Just to what extent *does* Clancy think she's got him figured out? It's certainly the question that fascinates me most right now. He really hasn't told her anything crucial about his past, not even the reason for his strained (that's a euphemism, I know) relationship with Lupin and Potter... And why does he protect Malfoy? Hadn't Clancy better know whom she's up against? He's a bit of a male chauvinist pig, our Snape, even though occasionally he means well. A child of the sixties? More a Victorian, really :-).

Author's Response: She thinks she's figured out Snape's feelings for her, but she has yet to discover the depth of his problems. Snape isn't really protecting Malfoy; it's more a case of him trying to prolong the inevitable. Snape is employing the old adage, "If you don't know what to do, do nothing". Thanks for reviewing, Sigune!

Sniv 2005.02.14 - 01:55PM 26: There'll Be Some Changes Made Signed
Ps. Wheee I noticed the "Snivellus" camoe LOL ;)

Sniv 2005.02.14 - 01:53PM 26: There'll Be Some Changes Made Signed
OMG LOL @ the portrait Dumbledore moved!!! And I love the fact that Clancy gave him a cake (and just a bit more eh?) Ok next thing *deep breath* OMG the conversation between Snape and Clancy is simply hilarious!!! "“If you wish to summon me, a simple tinkle will suffice.”" LMAO!!! Omg in the start I was very glad to see that Clancy just gave him some space but omg even though it did not end well I have to say I was laughing out loud about the whole thing" Excellent! I really like the way you make the story "flow" over this period of time. And I cant help enjoy the way you write it. Also Snape sure has a lot on his mind and Clancy has noticed his temper etc. not good at all ...I love Snape's gift, so childish but sooo Snape! One last thing (before my fingers cramp) if I had been Clancy I would not let the remark Snape was about to make go that easy. He really loves her but saying something like that was way out of line! And he doesnt seem to really regret it...But this is not said in a negative way! Because that just makes this story even more exciting and interesting...*refuses to acknowledge the cramps in her fingers* And also Malfoy is he up to something? Poor Clancy there are so many things she doesnt know and some of the things she is bound to find out sooner or later, and some of those things (one especially) Im affraid will only hurt more the longer HE waits...But then again I can understand him - Ok Id better stop --Im having a conversation with myself LOL...Last thing: GREAT update! I truly enjoyed this one! Both because of the hard facts which you lay out so beautifully but also the way you desribe their relationsship! Fantastic! *out of breath* Ps. I hope Clancy picked up the bell after she tossed it at Snape - because Im quite sure that she'lll somehow need it! Ok Im out! lol

Author's Response: Well, in Snape's defense, I should tell you that he intended to say, "I don't need any help from you! You filthy little meddler", or words to that effect. Clancy objected to his use of the word "filthy", as she was only trying to be helpful and he was venting his spleen, taking his bad day out on her for no good reason. And, yes, the Bell will be saved, as someday Clancy might need to be "saved by the bell". Thanks for your review, Sniv!

sophierom 2005.02.14 - 12:33PM 26: There'll Be Some Changes Made Signed
Just checked the site again for your update and here it was! (Hmm, yes, dissertation, well, I was just getting to that...:-) I was going to write that this is a nice Valentine's Day chapter, but there's a dark undercurrent that makes "nice" the wrong adjective for this chapter. The image of Snape holding her at the end, unable to sleep, is a beautiful one. And while the humor continues to be spot on, Snape's secret makes this a rather haunting chapter. I continue to be amazed by the way you're dealing with the darker themes without turning angsty or melodramatic. Best, Sophie

Author's Response: This is weird, but I've been so absorbed in writing that I didn't even realize until I went to the market this morning that today is Valentine's Day! Unfortunately, it has never been treated as a major holiday in my home. I just happened to be up to that point in my story in preparation to bump the plot forward to get to the Shireking Shack incident. Thanks for reviewing, Sophie!

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