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Reviews for I, Too, Shall Follow

morgaine_dulac 2010.11.15 - 08:00AM 8: Control Signed
Can't believe you made me feel sorry for Sirius. Gor a moment ;-) Loved the interaction between Severus and the twins. Adorable.

Author's Response: I do have a knack for making a character sympathetic. I don't think Sirius could have been ALL bad, though as you can tell, he's not one of my favorites by a long shot. Sev does love his siblings, even when they're a pain. And they do love him. ;p

Rose of the West 2010.08.07 - 04:29PM 8: Control Signed
Wow... everyone's family is a mess and they're all taking it out on each other. Severus and Narcissa come out of this chapter acting very similarly, at the end.

Author's Response: Luckily for me, those families are a mess or I'd have nothing to write about, haha.

Trickie Woo 2010.08.06 - 12:11AM 8: Control Signed
There is a lot of family feeling in this among three different families. It seems that Sirius is treated as badly at home as Severus is, then he mistreats Severus the same way at Hogwarts. Poor Severus, he does have some of his father in his make-up, no wonder he feels he must have iron self control. He loves his siblings and wants to protect them not hurt them. Now that Andromeda has been burnt off the family tree, Narcissa must be the only one left in the Black family that cares about all branches of it.

Author's Response: Sirius doesn't seem to have much empathy (his treatment of house elves is an example). Severus does exercise strict control over himself because he doesn't want to end up like his dad, and he certainly doesn't want to hurt his siblings. Narcissa is indeed the only one trying to hold the family together--and only subversively.

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