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Reviews for Beholden To No Man

Trickie Woo 2006.06.06 - 12:28AM 11: Chapter 11 Signed
I agree with you totally about the fan cliche of great sex. How many couples actually have simulltaneous orgasms every single time? It's only that way in porn. I've found it to be rare among the women I 've talked with about sex. I found that for us it's only possible in one position, and I'm no longer limber enough for that position. It must be doubly difficult for couples who have fertility problems and must have intercourse according to a strict schedule. I doubt that when both partners are under that kind of pressure that a true orgasm would be possible for either one. I found your description of normal sex to be very refreshing.

Author's Response: Thanks again. I really enjoyed showing that this is not SexGod!Snape who knows exactly how to pleasure his woman and bring her to climax at the proper time. Awkward "OMG I'm really with a woman" Severus was so much more fun. :) And much more realistic, IMO. After all, he hasn't been with woman since sometime before the final battle. *wink*

AmandaB 2006.06.05 - 06:14PM 11: Chapter 11 Signed
I liked how you show that both of them want each other so much that the consequences of the sex doesn't occur to them until later. The urgency and the pleasure was very well displayed without being overly explicit, which I really like. I don't think that he took advantage of her, and I liked the line about her needing him. I also liked the line about Snape repressing his emotions for twenty years and him being uncomfortable with affection. It's been a long time for both of them, and I hope this experience will only bring them closer together. I also like how Malfoy is unable to sucessfully taunt Snape, and the line about flaws and all is wonderful. Aurelia is patient, and that's a prerequisite with Snape. Keep writing.

Author's Response: Thanks, Amanda. The joy of this story is that I've had enough time to really try to make this as realistic as possible in terms of developing the relationship. Severus is so incredibly complex and she is really starting to peel back some of the layers now...The scene with Malfoy is one of my favorites. I just love Severus sticking it to him. :D I'm glad you are enjoying it. I have finally made a decent dent in the next chapter. LOL Hopefully by this weekend I'll have it submitted.

Trickie Woo 2006.06.03 - 11:24PM 11: Chapter 11 Signed
Poor Severus, he may have grown a lot, but he's still a babe in the woods when it comes to sex. Aurelia was very pragmatic and realistic about it, since it was their first time together she knew it would only get better. Anyway, he had been celibate for so long it had to be all about him getting his sexual frustration out of his system. He had never had sex with a woman he loved before, so he was too inexperienced to know that. This is one place where he should let her take the lead. She may have just been through a traumatic experience, but she did know that she wanted him and that she had already planned showing him that she wanted him in a sexual ways as well as for so many other reasons..Most important of all, they have both declared their love for the other. He passed another milestone in his emotional growth when he went to Azkaban, even though Lucius taunted him he felt secure that she loved him. The old Snape would have fallen right into the trap Lucius was trying to set. I enjoyed what his modifications to the potion did to Lucius, he deserved that and mire.

Author's Response: "he's still a babe in the woods when it comes to sex" He really is, isn't he? Thankfully, he's found someone patient who will not make him feel inadequate. I decided to not take the fanfic cliche of sex being perfect and wonderful for the reasons you outlines. :)...Wasn't what he did to Lucius wonderful? I really enjoyed that since this Lucius is such a bastard. Normally, I don't advocate Lucius abuse.

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