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Reviews for Beholden To No Man

JamesandLily4ever 2006.05.21 - 11:13AM 7: Chapter 7 Signed
dear Merlin.... where is she?! ~J+L4ever

Author's Response: Just keep reading. :-D I know, it can be cruel.

Sylver 2006.04.08 - 12:35AM 7: Chapter 7 Signed
Phoenix, I am not surprised to find that this story and its that from which it was born, both wonderful works. I cannot wait to see how you end this one and I hope that you update soon, Again may the plot bunnies continue to multiply (Yes, this is a GOOD thing!) and hopefully soon we wil see a conclusion. Many Blessings to You!! Sincerely, Sylver

Author's Response: Thanks, Sylver. I'm glad that you are enjoying this one and liked the prequel as well. I don't mind my plot bunnies for this one muliplying, but I seem to be getting a whole herd that is interested in other projects and they are all competing for my time. LOL The new chapter should be up soon. I do hope to quickly get to the end and hopefully update a tad more frequently. :)

greenwood 2006.04.05 - 10:45PM 7: Chapter 7 Signed
Oh you are ...you are SO CRUEL! Now we will have to wait for, like, forever to find out what has happened to her!! And with them so close to confirming each others love for the other! UGHHH! Please up date soon!!

Author's Response: Gosh, I'm so far behind in answering these. LOL Yes, greenwood, I am cruel. I have become enamoured of evil cliffies, so expect to see a few of those. *wink* The new chapter is in the queue, so you should see it soon.

Elaine Lahey 2006.04.04 - 11:39PM 7: Chapter 7 Signed
Another good chapter, but so frustrating! Next time Aurelia talk faster! What a good cliffhanger. I can't wait to read what happens next.

Author's Response: Thanks, Elaine. It is frustrating, isn't it? Especially for poor Severus. I am putting together the next chapter, but it might be a couple of weeks. :)

snapehp 2006.04.04 - 12:48AM 7: Chapter 7 Signed
I hope Harry does not go poking his nose in Severus' business. More importantly, I hope Aurelia is safe. Things are going so well for those two. Oh, sorry for the late review :) Great chapter!

Author's Response: Thanks, snapehp. As for Harry, well he is Harry so it's hard to make promises on that. As for Aurelia...well, you'll see. And the review isn't late, it just got posted this weekend. :) Again, thanks for taking the time to review. :D

AmandaB 2006.04.04 - 12:16AM 7: Chapter 7 Signed
I could definately see any woman wanting to know that the relationship was more then lust, so I'm glad that you pointed that out. I loved Snape's comment about mind reading, I think a lot of men wish they had that ability with their women. Harry's appearance was funny, and I think he along with others, would be surprised about Snape having a date. I look forward to where this is going, and I appreciate that you are keeping Snape in character.

Author's Response: Thanks, Amanda. I thought it would be good to show the love vs. lust wondering. That was one of those plot points that hit me in a flash of brilliance and has proven to be quite profitable. :) And Snape is lucky that he could read her mind. I know many men that wish they could do that. I love my Snarky Snape and he may soften a little, at least to Aurelia, but I don't see him giving that up completely. :)

Trickie Woo 2006.04.03 - 01:45AM 7: Chapter 7 Signed
I've got a hunch that Lucius is the anonymous benefactor, and his intentions are not altuistic, but evil. Aw shucks, just as it was getting interesting he gets called back to Hogwarts. At least he has his mother there to talk to and ask for advice on his lovelife. Who would ever think he would ask anyone at all for advice on such a private matter as his love life. I do love Eileen and her sense of humor about her son. I went back to Chapter 2 and reread the last part; now you may think this is creepy, but all of a sudden I got a picture of Norman Bates and his mother in my head. I realized that this is the way it could have been for them if he had been normal instead of psychotic. I still think Lucius is the anonymous benefactor, and now I suspect that he has kidnapped Aurelia. Update soon, I have to know for sure.

Author's Response: Well, that's an interesting theory. You'll have to wait to see if you have figured it out. *grin* As I told herk, Sev's life seems to be cursed with bad timing...I really enjoy his relationship with his mother. I'm starting to get this urge to fill in some of the backstory. :) As for the Norman Bates thing, I have to admit I've not actually ever seen the whole movie, so any similarity is purely coincidental. I'm hoping ot update soon. :) Of course, soon has become a relative term for me. LOL

herk 2006.04.02 - 10:00PM 7: Chapter 7 Signed
Ok. What now?. Severus gets good advice by his mother and has a chance to deal with this "woman" and now she's gone. WHAT has happened? Sitting, wondering and waiting for your resolution of this mystery. You've got a good slow pace in your story but now the action has started and I hope I wo't have too wait to long till I find out what happened to her. Even if Severus needs to worry a little bit longer before he comes to the rescue *evilgrin*

Author's Response: thanks, herk, You have now entered my land of evil cliffhangers. *evilgrin* Prior to this point, the story had not really lent itself to them, but I found a place to use them. I think this bad timing is the story of Sev's entire life. LOL HOpefully he will be able to overcome it. I hope not to make everyone wait too long for the next chapter. I know everyone wants to know where she was.

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