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Reviews for Beholden To No Man

Black Spot 2006.03.12 - 12:17PM 5: Chapter 5 Signed
That was a very cruel place to leave your readers. Shame, now I've got to wait.

Author's Response: Blackspot, you are luckier than most in waiting so long to read this one. I'm finishing up the next chapter, so it should be up soon. I love cliffhangers and had to take this opportunity to use one in this story. More action related stories are easier to cliffhanger than this one. :)

AmandaB 2006.03.07 - 04:29PM 5: Chapter 5 Signed
I love Snape's insecurity, and how he has trouble understanding Aurelia. I hope they can actually have a discussion without being interputed, and define what taking it slow means for her. I liked the kisses, and how you show that Aurelia wants Snape, even though the emotions and the physical side of love is a bit much for her right now. Hopefully we can find out what's wrong with Remus in the next chapter.

Author's Response: Thanks, Amanda. I imagine women would be a complete mystery to poor Severus, and he's chosen one with some serious emotional baggage, making it harder for him. And she really just needs to get over her guilt and move on, she's got to be driving him nuts. As for Remus, that's coming up in the next chapter. :)

greenwood 2006.03.07 - 04:22PM 5: Chapter 5 Signed
O, yah right...leave us hanging like that! Gads! Now we have to wait a whole week for the update? Is that it? Great chapter. Glad to see some progress on the romance front with poor ol' Severus. I guess I will just have to wait for the next chapter to see how things go!

Author's Response: Mwahahahaha! I really couldn't resist that. Sorry this update has taken longer than anticipated. I'm waiting for the final beta review and then I have a couple of minor changes and it should be submitted in the next day or so. Severus keeps getting so close, yet not quite there. Poor man, how I torment him.

LadyM 2006.03.06 - 11:55PM 5: Chapter 5 Signed
Evil cliffie!!! More? M

Author's Response: Thanks, LadyM. The next chapter is going through final beta and then I'll put it through final author reveiw. Barring any big changes, it should be submitted in a few days. I am a hopeless addict of evil cliffies, so don't expect them to go away.

snapehp 2006.03.06 - 10:07PM 5: Chapter 5 Signed
Great chapter! Way to go Severus! His idea seemed to work much better :) Loved the ending, it just makes me want the next chapter even more!

Author's Response: Thanks, snapehp. I'm particularly proud of this particular chapter ending. Severus is learning, slowly, but he's learning. :) Look for the chapter soon.

Yael Alexis 2006.03.05 - 06:20PM 5: Chapter 5 Signed
Great chapter!

Author's Response: Thanks, Yael. I'm glad that you are enjoying the story. :)

amycnorm98 2006.03.05 - 01:37PM 5: Chapter 5 Signed
UH! That was an evil cliffhanger. :)

Author's Response: Ah, amy. Thanks. I really love evil cliffhangers, though they are harder to do in a non-action based story. I am working on finishing up the next chapter in between another WIP and an idea that took over and demanded to be written. :)

Elaine Lahey 2006.03.05 - 11:28AM 5: Chapter 5 Signed
This is a great story! I hope Aurelia can get past the memory of her dead husband. I really liked Remus' line about teaching in a castle of teenagers; priceless! I look forward to the next update.

Author's Response: Thanks, Elaine. Severus is trying his best to get her to come to terms with the past and move on to the future. Wasn't that comment by Remus priceless. LOL I really couldn't resist that one. :) I"m gald you are enjoying this and I hope to have an update by the end of the week. ;)

maryh 2006.03.05 - 10:53AM 5: Chapter 5 Signed
I'm very much enjoying this story. However, I don't understand what is unclear about "take it slow". To me, at least, it is not true that you either care for someone or you don't.

Author's Response: thank you, maryh. I'm glad you are enjoying. Severus' confusion comes from the fact he has ZERO experience in romance. He comes from the "If you want something, take/do it" camp, which 16 years of marriage trained Aurelia out of that camp. So her fears are working against his desires, causing all sorts of problems. Not to mention he can tell she really doesn't want to take it slow.

Aiden 2006.03.05 - 10:23AM 5: Chapter 5 Signed
Great chapter. Poor Severus--the combination of his lack of experience and Aurelia's confusion is making for a pretty difficult transition to a romantic relationship. Helen and his mom are proving to be good allies. Regarding that evil cliffie--please do update soon.

Author's Response: Thanks Aiden. Yup, Severus is having a rought time of it. One minute, she's okay with it giving into her emotions, the next, rational (or irrational) thought has kicked in and is giving her doubts. The poor man is going to be very frustrated if this keeps up. Next chapter should be up in the near future. :)

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