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Reviews for The Essence of Susan Jones

Laudomia 2005.01.30 - 02:17AM 5: Chapter Four: A Name Signed
More intriguing questions--the plot thickens. Keep going, this is great.

Author's Response: I shall keep going! Thank you for keeping up with the story. There will be many more questions and some answers as well.

Vocalion 2005.01.29 - 08:44PM 5: Chapter Four: A Name Signed
Susan is a tricky one, isn't she? A very good chapter full of intrigue and more questions. Loved the owl joke and : As she finished, Susan took a deep bow, bending completely in half. Then, she lifted her head to study Severus Snape’s reaction. All Snape could say was, "Get the hell out of my office." Snape is so damn funny even when he's being serious.

Author's Response: Aye, a tricky gal indeed! I love Snape when he gets frusterated! Thank you so much for reviewing!

LariLee 2005.01.29 - 08:40PM 5: Chapter Four: A Name Signed
See, you give answers that only lead to more questions! Aarrrggghhh! I want more! You are writing right now, aren't you?
~Lisa, the demanding reviewer who loved the poem.

Author's Response: Arrrrggggghhhh!!! You shall have more, you demanding wench! Yes, I am writing like the mad woman that I am. Thank you so much for reviewing!

snapeaddict 2005.01.28 - 05:31AM 4: Chapter Three: Enough Signed
Please upload more, soon. I am enjoying this very much so far. And I demand answers, too! *hiss* ;-)

Author's Response: Oh my goodness, you hissed at me! LOL! This is the plan (which may not happen) I intended to submit one chapter today and another chapter tomorrow. Sorry, I have been busy with school. *bows head* I am very glad you are enjoying it! You want answers, eh? You'll have to ask Miss Jones! Thank you!

pinkcorsair 2005.01.25 - 01:50AM 4: Chapter Three: Enough Signed
Who is she? Whooo issss sheeee? WHO THE FUCK IS SHE???!!!!!!................Now that I got that off my check, let me just ask, who is she? She knows Remus but not Snape. That means she couldn't have gone to Hogwarts with Remus or she would have remembered Snape. I guessing she had something to do with Order? Please release me for my pain by updating with some answers..........By the way, who does she end up with? Severus or Remus. I assume it Snape. This story is also in need of a sex scene before to long. It's suspose to be NC-17 after all.

Author's Response: Oh, how I do love to prolong the agony! I'll never tell!!! The next chapter has some more answers. She had nothing to do with the order, I will tell you that much. Sex will come, but in good time. It won't be too long before the lemons arrive. I hope you won't be dissappointed when they do. But sex is like that, often dissappointing.

I plan to post the next chapter by Thursday. It is visiting my Beta right now. Susan says hi.

Author's Response: So, I'm hurting you, eh? Mwahahahahahahahahaha!!! Sometimes pain equals pleasure. Think about that!

Grainne 2005.01.24 - 09:03PM 4: Chapter Three: Enough Signed
Oho, methinks Miss SJ has trickses up her sleeve indeed! You have another fine chapter here...poetry, humor, frustrated Snape and intrigue. Aaaaaaand "Teaching is an odd job" etc. should win you a spot in Bartlett's quotations. I hope you don't mind if I pass it on (properly credited, of course) to my friends & family in the profession.

Author's Response: Share it with whomever you like! I am working towards my Masters in Ed...so I will one day join in the madness! Thanks for all the lovely reviews!

pinkcorsair 2005.01.24 - 04:05AM 3: Chapter Two: Half Truths Signed
I'm with Sanpe. Who is this cheeky little tart? I'm surprised he didn't notice her reaction to Remus. Is she made up of two people? I guess I'll have to read on and find out.

Author's Response: Cheeky? Yes, Miss Jones is full of surprises. I am glad you are still reading, Pink. I hope you are enjoying the show. Severus Snape wants answers, but will he get what wants? Perhaps, he will get more than he bargained for.

You swim broken and lost in the blue
But the wind still blows and the clouds roll askew
You don't remember, but somehow you breathe
A long time ago your true self you did sheathe
The one you knew best is the one they forget
As you run from your past, no longer an idle regret.

pinkcorsair 2005.01.24 - 02:56AM 2: Chapter One: Enigma Signed
This chapter brought back some very bad memories. I was once stuck on a bus for seven hours. This Fat guy kept farting and going to the jon every ten minutes. The bus smelt like a dead mull's ass. Before we got to L.A, I swear the fat guy made a squishing sound every time he sat down. I still have nightmare about what was in his pants.

Author's Response: Damnit, Pink! I just spit Diet Dr. Pepper all over the damn place! I am still laughing at the last line! "I still have nightmare about what was in his pants." Bus trips are awful! You could not pay me enough money to make me take a bus on a long trip. When I was in high school we took a bus trip to New York to see Phantom of the Opera and a few other random musicals... it took 30 hours and I swear I wanted to die by the time I got there. Never again!

I'm sorry if my story is causing you distress.

pinkcorsair 2005.01.24 - 01:53AM 1: Prologue: Fall Back In Panic Signed
Plain enough that I look good to her. It's starnge, a lot of women I meet have that number. They must not pay their bills, because It's always disconected?

Author's Response: Hehe. Pink, you should never sell yourself short! You must hit on the wrong sort of women. I'd give you Susan's number, but she is busy being written right now. Plus, she is going to be a very busy girl, whoever she is.

pinkcorsair 2005.01.24 - 01:36AM 1: Prologue: Fall Back In Panic Signed
This Susan Jones sound very interesting. A plain jane with no friend or family and is very lonely. Just my type.Do you have her number?

Author's Response: 867-5309 of course! So, you prefer the plain ones, eh? Plain in looks or plain in intelligence? Miss Jones is full of surprises. Looks can be deceiving!

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