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All Is Violent, All Is Bright by rendezvous_hero [Reviews - 0]

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Severus was violently woken by the slamming of trunk lids against wooden bed frames and the clamor of four male voices echoing disdain for the appalling shortness of the Christmas holidays. Artificial sunlight poured across his bed as someone yanked open the curtains, and he silently cursed whoever decided Slytherin students needed to see the sun other than when they were out on the grounds. He heard Avery and Mulciber whispering nearby and could only imagine what terrible things they had been up to over break.

“Snape, are you awake?” Avery asked, cautiously sitting down on the edge of his housemate’s bed.

“Unfortunately,” Severus grumbled, trying to smooth out his lanky hair as he sat up.

“Meet us up in the Astronomy tower in fifteen minutes,” Avery whispered, and suddenly his weight disappeared from the bed as he and Mulciber hastily exited the dormitory and made their way back to the common room.

Severus dropped back onto the pillow and quietly groaned. He had a feeling he already knew what it was Avery wanted to talk to him about, but that did not make him move any faster as he changed out of his pajamas and into a pair of black jeans and an oversized black shirt. He ran his fingers quickly through his hair once more, wished he had time for a shower, and climbed the stone steps to the common room.

Dozens of students were milling about, fresh from their holidays, lounging and sharing stories of their vacations abroad or the gifts they received at Christmas. Severus thought he noticed Isadora lurking at one of the tables in the corner, flanked by Scarlett and Callum, and Regulus Black seated very close by, gazing dreamily at her. A grimace flashed across Severus’ face as he continued towards the exit; he was dreading the moment when he and Isadora were alone together, for it meant only one thing: she was going to drone on incessantly about her budding new relationship with Regulus.

The corridors were virtually empty as Severus made his way through the entrance hall and up the several flights of stairs that eventually led to the Astronomy tower. The inhabitants of the portraits lining the halls and staircases were still celebrating the holidays; several subjects were stumbling around through different frames, drunkenly following the singular student as he quickly climbed the stairs. Although Avery and Mulciber were in his year, Severus was well aware of how cruel they were to other students, and did not fancy being on the wrong end of their impatience at him being late to this impromptu meeting.

“Finally,” he heard Mulciber grumble as Severus took the final steps to the top of the tower two at a time.

“Took you long enough!” Avery hissed, pacing back and forth.

Severus leaned against the battlements, catching his breath. “What exactly was so important that we had to meet up here?” he asked quietly. “Three students gathering on top of the Astronomy tower isn’t necessarily what one would call covert, y’know.”

Avery glared from under his Neanderthal-like brow as he cracked his knuckles. Mulciber placed a large hand on his friend’s shoulder and pulled him back; Severus was toying with his wand, hidden up the sleeve of his shirt. He never knew when Avery was planning on using him as a punching bag.

“Listen, Snape,” Mulciber said, stepping out in front of Avery, “we just wanted to talk.”
“About?” Severus muttered, crossing his arms.

“Joining the Death Eaters,” Avery whispered. “Seeking out the Dark Lord and declaring our allegiance to him, once and for all.”

A heavy silence fell on the three of them as a breeze picked up; the only sound to be heard was the rustle of the trees in the Forbidden Forest. Severus cast a wary eye on his companions. Both were much better built for the task of being one of the Dark Lord’s henchmen: Avery was beefy and short, and while Mulciber was as tall as Severus, he too had obviously been working out over the summer and holidays. Severus, meanwhile, was tall and lanky, nothing much more than skin and bone. He had no interest in running around, killing and torturing at random; he was much more interested in working on new, illicit potions that would surely please Lord Voldemort.

“Well?” Avery hissed.

“I think you’re both well aware that I’ve already been asked to join,” Severus answered nonchalantly.

“By who?” Mulciber asked, raising his eyebrow suspiciously.

“Lucius Malfoy, of course,” Severus said with a sneer. “Surely you two have had the pleasure of discussing your post-graduate careers with Mr. Malfoy?” He was pleased to see that both boys shook their heads, surprise in their eyes.

“Lucius spoke with you personally?” Mulciber pressed, crossing the length of the tower to stand in front of Severus.

For all his muscle, Severus could no longer be frightened by Mulciber’s physical presence. The larger boy was absolute rubbish at spell deflection, and both knew that Severus could hex him to within an inch of his life before Mulciber could even draw his wand. “Indeed he did,” Severus said, pushing Mulciber out of his face.

“What did he say?” Avery asked, joining his two fellow Slytherins on the opposite end of the tower.

Severus laughed quietly, relishing in the obvious envy the two boys were suffering with. “He simply wanted to convey a message from the Dark Lord: that I was welcome to join when I graduated and that the Dark Lord has heard good things about my talents,” he answered. Avery and Mulciber stared, apparently unable to believe what they had just heard.

“So…so you’ll be joining with us, then?” Mulciber asked, still dumbfounded at the fact that Severus had garnered such attention from the Dark Lord.

“Obviously,” Severus said impatiently.

“Do you know anyone else planning to join?” Avery said quietly, looking over his shoulder to check they were still alone.

Severus shrugged and said, “I believe Regulus Black is planning on joining, but that won’t be for another two years. Isadora Starbuck may be as well.”

A snort escaped Avery as he brought a hand to his mouth, trying to cover up his laughter. “Starbuck? You’re kidding, right?” he muttered.

Severus was becoming extremely bored with the conversation, and began to move towards the staircase back into the castle. “For your information, Avery,” he hissed, pausing on the first step, “Isadora Starbuck has more talent in her baby finger than you possess in your entire being. And her father is highly praised by the Dark Lord, so I would watch who you laugh at.” With that, he swept down the remaining stairs and slammed the door behind him, grateful to be back in the warmth of the castle walls.


The first week of the new term seemed to fly by. Severus managed to avoid being alone with Avery and Mulciber, who had been enraged at his comment that Isadora was a better fit for the Death Eaters than either of them seemed to be.

He found himself wondering just what about Isadora interested the Dark Lord so much as he waited for her to arrive for her tutoring session that Friday night. He knew she had done exceptionally well in Defense Against the Dark Arts; but he also knew her father was teaching her spells and jinxes over the summer holidays. She was brighter than most of the girls in their year, and while much of the ranks of the Death Eaters was comprised of men, Severus knew that the Dark Lord enjoyed having the odd female here and there; Bellatrix Lestrange was one of Lord Voldemort’s prized agents.

Footsteps echoed from the dungeon corridor, alerting Severus to Isadora’s imminent arrival. He peered at the entryway questioningly as a soft yellow glow began to illuminate the ancient wooden door; it seemed to grow fainter as the footsteps grew louder. Suddenly, Isadora appeared in the doorway, holding what appeared to be a cupcake with a single candle stuck in the center, the flame obviously magicked to burn brighter.

“Please don’t be mad at me,” she said cheerily, before Severus could question what was going on.

“Why…what is going on?” he asked, although a distinct tightening in his chest told him he already knew the answer.

“Happy birthday, Sev,” Isadora whispered, placing the cupcake on the table in front of him.

Severus stared blankly, first at the cake and then at the girl across from him. He wasn’t sure how to proceed from here. Nobody at school had ever given him a birthday cupcake before, not even Lily; his stomach clenched at the thought of her long red tresses. “How…how did you…” he couldn’t finish his sentence, he was so confused.

Isadora smirked and threw her book bag and cauldron onto the workspace next to her. “Professor Slughorn told me it was today,” she answered, “and I nicked the cake from the kitchens. The house-elves were thrilled to help out.”

Severus was unable to move. His parents had rarely celebrated his birthday, and on the off chance that they had, the parties were usually abysmally bleak. He couldn’t even remember the last time he had received a proper birthday present.

“Usually people say thank you, y’know,” Isaodra said quietly, her arms now folded across her chest.
Severus cleared his throat. “Thanks,” he said weakly. It was clear she was taking his silence as an offense. “Nobody has ever done this for me before, it’s quite a shock,” he explained, hoping to clarify his reaction. “My parents don’t even acknowledge my birthday anymore.”

“Well that’s just horrible,” she said, taking the cupcake in her hand. “You have to blow this out, you know.” She looked pointedly at the candle; the brightening charm she had used had finally run out, as the flame was diminished.

“Er…” He looked from her to the candle, and with a quick puff of air, extinguished the light. He felt heat spread across his cheeks as he realized how stupid he must have looked doing this. The grin appearing on Isadora’s face was not helping.

“So, I think I know what you were trying to get across in your letter,” she said as she began unpacking her Potions ingredients. Severus breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that all of them had been replenished, and the list he had given her at the end of last term had not been ignored.

“Oh, really?” he muttered, absentmindedly flipping through his copy of Advanced Potion Making.

“Lucius Malfoy told me, two days after you wrote,” she said quietly, her hand resting on one of the glass phials she had just removed from her bag. “The Dark Lord wants me to join his ranks.”

Severus gazed at her, watching the emotions swim in her eyes. He could tell she was trying to work through the fact that if she said no, she would most assuredly be disowned by her family, and possibly even killed. “Yes, yes he does. He has asked me as well,” he replied, picking at the cupcake sitting in front of him.

“I know why I will be of use to him,” she whispered as if he hadn’t spoken, “but I’m still terrified by the idea of taking the Mark. I see dad wince whenever he is called; it seems so painful.” She gripped her left forearm as though she had already been branded herself.

“Considering how much pain you’ll be in if you refuse, I think taking the Mark is the least of your problems, Isadora,” Severus said, trying to ease her fears. He wanted to ask what it was the Dark Lord had asked of her, why she knew she would be so useful to his plan. But the fear emanating from her eyes was enough to make him hold off until a better time.

She sighed and shook herself, continuing to pull ingredients out of her bag. He watched her carefully; it seemed that she had forced the fear out of her mind to concentrate on the present, a skill she would require when under the employ of the Dark Lord. “Shall we get started?” she asked with a shaky voice.

All Is Violent, All Is Bright by rendezvous_hero [Reviews - 0]

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