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The Moment It Began by sindie11 [Reviews - 1]

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As soon as Severus left the headmaster's office, he wasted no time in putting as much distance between Dumbledore and himself as possible. He didn't want to venture a guess at what time it was, but as the castle sat dark and silent around him, save the soft snores coming from some of the paintings' inhabitants, Severus knew it was absurdly late. Had it been any other night, he would have gone to his room and found what sleep might come to him, but his mind was on one person only.


He had to get to her as quickly as possible.

His footsteps frantic, Severus was thankful for his younger body's agility as he made his way to the infirmary. Upon entering the room, Madam Pomfrey was nowhere in sight, and Lily was where he had last left her: sleeping soundly on the cot she had resided in since her arrival at Hogwarts three days earlier.

He sat next to her and brushed the hair back from her face, wishing to see her more clearly. Leaning down, he planted a kiss on her forehead and then placed a hand there, checking her temperature. She was in a deep sleep and didn't stir at his gentle ministrations.

Sighing, Severus realized he would have to wait until morning. Awakening Lily now and taking her home wouldn't be good for her recovery. She didn't need to suffer any more than she already had. Choosing to remain at her side through the night, Severus took her hand in his and felt sleep finally claiming him.

Several hours later, Severus's eyes drifted open to find the pale, dim light of dawn streaming in through the windows. Realizing he was resting his head on the edge of the mattress, Severus sat up, his neck stiff and sore from the position. Not a couple of seconds after his withdrawal, Lily shifted in the bed and turned toward him, her eyes opening. A sweet, small smile alighted her pretty face when she saw that it was him who was sitting with her.

"Sev," she whispered.

"Good morning, Lily," Severus returned just as softly. "How are you feeling?"

Lily tried to sit up and winced, which in turn caused Severus concern. He moved toward her to help her, but Lily managed on her own.

"I'm fine, Sev... just tired and still disoriented. My body hasn't moved from this bed in, what, three days? I think it's normal to feel a bit stiff."

His face relaxing, Severus replied, "I'm glad to hear it. How do you feel about going home?"

"Home sounds lovely," Lily agreed. "I'm grateful to Dumbledore for allowing us to stay here, but I miss my own bed and our home in general. It would be good to get back to a normal routine again."

Seeing that Severus was now frowning, she asked, "What's the matter?"

"Dumbledore," Severus murmured.

"What happened? Did he do something, say something?"

Even though they were speaking in hushed voices, Severus brought his wand out and muttered, "Muffliato," not wishing to be overheard by anyone, even the portraits.

Leaning in close to Lily, Severus whispered, "Yes, something happened, but I'd rather not discuss it here. That's part of the reason I asked if you were ready to go back to Spinner's End."

Lily searched his eyes and nodded, not saying anything more. Severus, relieved for her silence on the matter, withdrew and was surprised to see Madam Pomfrey standing not more than five feet away.

Severus released the Muffliato spell and turned to face the matron. Before he could say anything, however, Madam Pomfrey inquired, "What's that buzzing noise? Wait... it just ended."

Severus shrugged.

"Hmmm," was all she said. Seeing Lily awake and alert, she smiled. "How are you, Lily?"

"Much better, thank you, Madam Pomfrey," Lily replied graciously. "In fact, Severus and I were thinking of returning home-"

"Returning home?" Madam Pomfrey echoed. Glaring mildly at Severus, she asserted, "But you've just started your recovery! Severus, you're studying at St. Mungo's. Surely you know it's too soon to move a patient-"

"I realize that, Poppy," Severus interrupted, "but I am perfectly capable of taking care of my wife. Besides, she will be more comfortable at home. You have access to our home should you feel the need to visit. You are welcome anytime."

Unlike some people, Severus thought bitterly, referring to Dumbledore.

Madam Pomfrey was uneasy, but she sighed. "Very well," she relented, "but you must promise that you will notify me if anything changes. If it's serious, take her to St. Mungo's, Severus. I will stop by this evening... if that's all right with you."

"That would be great, Madam Pomfrey," Lily stated kindly, offering the older woman a smile.

"All right, then," the matron acquiesced, none too pleased. "In a few hours, I'll be Flooing into your sitting room."

Giving both of the former students a stern gaze, Madam Pomfrey stepped out.

"Let's get you dressed," Severus said. He helped Lily stand and, much to Lily's protestation, assisted her in dressing. Once she was ready, they left through the fireplace and were back in the book-lined sitting room of Spinner's End.

Lily was feeling dizzy from their travel through the Floo Network and nearly fell to the floor, but Severus managed to stop her fall. He steadied her and led her to the sofa, where he joined her.

"How are you feeling?" he asked.

"Just a little dizzy," Lily admitted. "You know how disorienting Floo travel is under normal circumstances."

"I don't think attempting the steps would be a good idea," Severus pointed out. "Do you want to lie down? I can transfigure the sofa into a bed-"

"Sev," Lily said with a weak smile, "I'm not an invalid. Let's discuss what you couldn't at Hogwarts. What did Dumbledore want with you?"

Sighing, Severus ran a hand through his hair and found it greasy, realizing he hadn't showered in two days. Frowning, he explained, "He knows the truth about me, Lily - that I'm reliving my life. He was suspicious for a long time. It just so happens..." Severus trailed off, anger swelling inside him.

Lily took his fretting hands in her own. "What?" she implored. "How did he know? Did you just outright tell him? I can't imagine you would, not after the way he betrayed your trust in the past."

"Exactly," Severus said firmly. "I had no intention of sharing my secrets with him, but the bloody, manipulative fool couldn't keep his nose, or more like his mind, out of other people's affairs. He glimpsed a memory in your mind that day he came to visit, Lily. He saw what you witnessed when I showed you my memories in the Pensieve: my death."

Lily gasped. "Sev, I'm so sorry... I didn't mean for him to see it-"

Severus didn't want Lily to get herself worked up or to blame herself. "No, Lily," he gently admonished, silencing her with a finger to the lips, "it's not your fault, so don't you dare try to claim responsibility for that old man's tricks. He had no right invading your mind like that. You couldn't have been expected to know Occlumency. Your willingness to trust and accept others has always been something I admired about you, and for you to have to close yourself up like I have isn't something I'd wish upon you... even though that's exactly what you've had to do all these months I've been teaching you Occlumency. I'm sorry, Lily."

Lily was shaking her head. "I don't understand... I never thought Dumbledore would resort to such tactics. And now that he knows the truth about you, what will he do, Sev?"

"He's not going to do anything... or he had better not," Severus said savagely. "I warned him not to bring you into this, and he promised, for whatever that's worth, to hold to that."

Severus then explained what he had found about Horcruxes and how Voldemort was using them to keep himself alive. He told her about the ring and the diary, and then realized that the snake, Nagini, must have been one as well, based on Dumbledore's request for him to look for Voldemort protecting the animal. Thankfully, Nagini wasn't yet in the Dark Lord's possession. Severus finally explained that Harry Potter had been made into a Horcrux, but again, since he didn't exist here, that was one less Horcrux.

"Unfortunately," Severus was now saying, "we're going to have to work together with Dumbledore if we want to see an end to the Dark Lord. Dumbledore was instrumental last time and will be again. He never told me everything before, but my role is different in this existence. I'm not his spy. He can't use me like he did, and I won't let him. If he dares to try anything, he will pay. I swear it, Lily. He knows as much."

Lily's mouth was hanging open. "Horcruxes? What madness. And Dumbledore, did he... agree to this?"

"Dumbledore told me himself that if he broke his promise to me, I could do whatever I wished to him."

Severus spoke with such conviction and hatred that Lily felt fear, and she realized for perhaps the first time that the man in front of her could be potentially very dangerous if provoked. Seeing his previous life's memories had been revealing enough, but to see and hear the anger in Severus now was startling.

"You wouldn't... kill him, would you?" Lily asked in a small voice.

Hearing Lily's trepidation, Severus released his bitterness and hatred with a long sigh. "No, I won't kill him, Lily. I never wanted to kill him before, as much as I hated him for asking it of me. Dumbledore may seem like my enemy on some level, but the true enemy is V-Voldemort."

Lily's eyes gaped. "You just spoke his name," she said in awe.

"Yes," Severus murmured. "I was afraid to utter that name for years. I never spoke it until now. He is the one who killed you, Lily, even though it was my fault in the first place. I... I have learned to forgive myself of my past crimes, and so my biggest enemy is no longer myself but Voldemort. His name will no longer inspire fear in me. I cannot allow it. He will be destroyed if I have anything to do about it."

"We will know brighter days, Sev. He cannot live forever, even if he might think he can. If Harry Potter could defeat him, surely you can."

"If not me, then someone," Severus said. "What proves a problem now is locating and destroying the Horcruxes first."

"Do you know how they might be destroyed?"

"Dumbledore used the Sword of Gryffindor on the ring. We have enough information, I believe, to start from."

What Severus didn't yet realize what that the Sword of Gryffindor had been infused with basilisk venom.

The Moment It Began by sindie11 [Reviews - 1]

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