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The Moment It Began by sindie11 [Reviews - 3]

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"We're going to talk, Snape," Black said lowly. "Just you and me this time."

Severus mustered a glare, although his heart wasn't in it. He had just been reflecting on the emptiness he felt inside, and so, he wasn't as quick in his response as he usually would have been.

"What do you want, Black?" Severus asked, trying to keep his voice impassive.

"The truth."

"Why aren't you with your friends?" Severus questioned suspiciously, trying to glance over Black's shoulder.

"They aren't coming," Black answered. "I didn't go to the funeral. I wasn't in the mood, you could say."

"I thought Pettigrew was your friend?" Severus sneered.

"Yes, Snivellus, he was my friend!" Black yelled, turning red in the face, visibly shaking.

Severus took the opportunity to attack. While he couldn't reach for his wand without Black knowing, he had other means of defending himself. With Black's guard down because of his emotional instability, Severus used Legilimency on him, gazing into Black's eyes as he glowered back at him. He hadn't resorted to invading anyone's mind at all so far in this lifetime. It wasn't something he took pleasure doing, but in Black's mind, he saw a range of unpleasant memories from his childhood, mostly of Black secluding himself in his room, hating his parents and brother. Severus felt the genuine rage inside the other boy, and Black, not knowing what was happening, backed away, turning his head, breaking the connection.

In one flourish, Severus stood and disarmed his opponent, holding his own wand aloft. Black recoiled, and then realizing what had just happened, made to charge at Severus. Severus supposed he could have Stunned Black, but he chose instead to let the Gryffindor boy make a fool of himself. As Black came running at Severus, his fist ready to punch him squarely in the nose, Severus jumped out of the way and got enough footing to fly. He heard Black curse loudly and growl like a fierce dog.

"Get down here!" Black bellowed at Severus, both angered and surprised to see Severus flying. "How the hell are you doing that, anyway?!"

"I have no intention of being your punching bag, Black," Severus called down at him, "and until you're ready to actually 'talk,' as you put it, I'm not going to be stupid enough to lower myself to your level, both physically and mentally." He smirked, knowing his jab would irk the hell out of Black, but he didn't care.

If Black wanted to be a bully, Severus would let him take out his frustration on the air. Black chose instead to kick at the ground.

"Give me back my wand, you coward! The least you could do is fight fairly!"

At being called a coward, Severus lost any trace of his humor. "Don't you dare label me. You have no idea what you're even talking about. As for fighting fairly, I would hardly call what you and your mates did to me for years fair. Since when did four-on-one seem fair, Black? Then again, perhaps it does in your limited capacity to reason."

Black ran toward Severus, who had flown a little closer to the ground, as if taunting the other boy to come at him.

"Anything's fair when it's Death Eater filth I'm fighting!" Black shouted, truly irate.

Severus thought Black was verging on insanity. He had always wondered if Black had been mentally imbalanced, and that was a frightening thought. He didn't think playing with him would suffice any longer.

"I happen to agree with you on that point," Severus remarked, "especially seeing as I am not a Death Eater, nor do I ever have any desire to be one! I know what you think of me. You thought it would be amusing to see my life ended because you apparently thought it would be one less future Death Eater?"

Severus posed the question harshly, knowing full well that Black hadn't tried to have him killed because it would eliminate a future Death Eater.

"No, I don't suppose that was the reason, after all!" Severus yelled viciously. "You thought it would be entertaining and amusing! You hated me from that day on the train in first year!"

"So what if I hated you?!" Black screamed. "You are a Slytherin! You and the whole lot of them are just like my family, supporters of Voldemort and lovers of Dark Magic! It's because of your kind that the wizarding world is at war! You are responsible for Peter's death; I know you are! And Remus was attacked with your invention! Do you deny it?!"

Spit was flying out of Black's mouth. He looked truly deranged, and Severus was glad he had disarmed him and that he was safely in the air.

Some of Black's accusations were true, but most were not. "You cannot group a whole mass of people together, Black," Severus stated, trying to rule his outrage. "And I did nothing to harm Peter. I was trying to help him!" he shouted, rapidly losing control of himself. "Your friends can attest to that. As for what the Death Eaters used on Lupin, yes... I don't deny that it was my invention. I swear I never even thought it would be used like that... by those people! I was stupid to have taught them, all right?!"

As he openly admitted his shortcoming to his enemy, Severus felt himself cracking, and he hated every moment he had to endure in Black's company. "I did not mean for this to happen," Severus said softly, looking away from Black. "I am sorry for any part I had in it, but it was never my intention for your friend to die."

For his part, Sirius didn't want to believe a word Severus was speaking. He had told himself repeatedly for so long, even after Remus and James had tried to convince him otherwise, that Severus was still the enemy. Upset by Peter's death, Sirius hadn't yet properly mourned. He had avoided going to the funeral because he didn't want to acknowledge the truth. He had refused point-blank to rationally listen to what James and Remus had told him on the day Peter had been murdered. Instead, he had focused all his energy and devastation on blaming Severus, on hatred, and on irrational anger.

Sirius had been shaking with rage more than anything since attacking Severus, but now he was trembling, feeling weak as he felt his legs giving out underneath. Sirius finally allowed the tears to fall. He refused to look at Severus, flying in the air above him, seeming to judge him from above. He hoped the Slytherin boy had enough decency to look away, and from his vantage point, Severus did just so. He slowly lowered himself to the ground, still several feet away from Sirius. He kept his gaze on the lake and the sky, but Severus could hear Sirius's embittered sobs.

Severus wondered if hell had just frozen over. He never imagined apologizing to Sirius for anything, but as he listened to the other boy's grief for the loss of a friend, he couldn't hate him for his illogical reaction because of that loss.

Finally, Sirius stopped crying. He turned to Severus. "Can I have my wand back now?" he asked.

Severus nodded and tossed it back. He didn't expect Sirius would attack him. He knew what it was to be in Sirius's position of grief. Sirius caught the wand and pocketed it.

"I'm sorry, too," Sirius whispered. "I mean... for thinking you were responsible for Peter's death."

Severus didn't expect Sirius to apologize for being a git to him for so many years, but this was better than nothing. There was too much of a history of animosity between the two of them for easy forgiveness.

Severus nodded carefully. "Then let's go back inside. Won't your friends be back soon and looking for you?"

"Probably," Sirius said quietly. He avoided Severus's gaze.

Severus kept at a safe distance from Sirius, looking anywhere but at him. He was freezing from being outside for so long and wished for a warm fire. Once they reached the castle, Sirius went in first, letting the door close behind him. Severus snorted to himself, trying to imagine Sirius holding the door for him and knew that would never happen. Severus would just as soon let it slam in Sirius's face. Entering the castle a moment later, Severus caught a quick glimpse of Sirius as he rounded the corner.

Still unable to quite grasp the words exchanged mere minutes ago between them, Severus decided to go to his room and wait for Lily's return. He wasn't bothered by anyone on the walk there, and thankful to have reached his destination, Severus entered his room and locked the door behind him. He lit a fire in the grate and sat down in the single chair provided, staring into the flames.

He considered all that had happened between the Marauders and him since returning to his new life. If someone would have told him before in his other life that he would one day be on civil terms with the Marauders, he would have snorted in disbelief if he were in a relatively good mood, and he probably would have hexed them if he were one of his normally bad moods. Dumbledore had always wanted Severus and Sirius to get along better before. He had even made them shake hands, much to their mutual dislike. Severus still didn't like Sirius Black, but he hoped this conversation would have a lasting impact on Sirius. Severus had no intentions of being the one to start any sort of rivalry between Sirius or his friends.

Thinking of Dumbledore brought to mind the fact that he really needed to talk with the headmaster about Roger Mulciber and his lackeys. Things had gotten too far out of hand, especially since no real intervention had been made, and Peter had wound up dead as a result of it. Right now, the headmaster was at the funeral, so their conversation would have to wait until at least that evening.

Severus longed for Lily's companionship right now. He found his once-sought welcoming solitude didn't bring the comfort it used to. Severus sighed in the chair. He supposed he could study, but the emptiness he had been feeling before Sirius had assaulted him was returning. Severus now grew annoyed.

"What the hell is the matter with me?" he muttered to himself. He stood and paced, suddenly restless.

Minutes ago, he had wanted a fire to relax by, but now he wasn't satisfied. Severus wondered if he shouldn't just put the damn thing out and leave his room. There were countless corridors to walk, after all.

But no, he was here, alone now. He didn't want to see anyone or for anyone to see him, and he would definitely come across others in the halls in the middle of the afternoon. Resigning himself to the choice of staying in his room, Severus went to his desk and grabbed a book, returned to the chair, and forced himself to read. The words could have been in a foreign language for all the good they did to distract Severus's overactive mind, though.

A couple of hours later, Severus started awake. He blinked several times, noticing it was dark outside. The fire had mostly gone out, leaving a few dimly glowing embers in its wake. For a second, Severus thought it was the middle of the night, but when he lit a couple of lamps and saw the time, he was relieved he hadn't missed dinner.

Lily would be back by this time, so feeling a bit better, Severus stood and left the confines of his room, intent on eating quickly and going off somewhere with Lily.

Upon reaching the Great Hall, Severus saw it was full of students. Dumbledore was at the staff table, and Severus noticed Lily sitting next to Mary Macdonald, and a little farther down the table were Sirius, James, and Remus. Severus caught Lily's attention as he walked down the aisle between the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff tables.

"Hey, Sev," she greeted him when he was upon her.

"Hi, Lily," Severus returned. "Our usual place after dinner?"

Mary pretended not to hear, but Severus noticed the other girl smile when he said "our usual place."

"Definitely," Lily replied.

With that, Severus went to the Slytherin table and sat on the end. He was accustomed to sitting alone and was surprised when a couple of girls from his house got up from where they had been sitting and slid closer to him.

One of them, Rose Clearwater, said, "Hello, Severus." She smiled delightedly at him.

"Miss Clearwater," Severus said, watching her and her friend skeptically.

"Don't you think it's okay... to call me Rose?" she asked quietly, blushing.

Severus had never spoken more than three words directly to Rose. She had always been so shy, and for her to be trying to initiate conversation with him was unusual.

"All right... Rose," Severus said awkwardly. He searched his mind for the name of Rose's friend. "And you are... Emily Porter, correct?" he asked the other girl.

Emily, another fourth year like Rose, had dark hair that clashed with Rose's blonde. Severus was vaguely reminded of the Black sisters, Bellatrix and Narcissa, but didn't suppose these girls were anything like them.

"Yes," Emily said, sounding more sure of herself than Rose.

"Very well," Severus replied, feeling the awkwardness growing. "Did you want something?"

"Just to tell you that we admire what you're doing for Slytherin," Emily asserted. "The other houses," she said, lowering her voice and leaning in, "don't like us much. You've no idea what you've done for the morale of our house, Severus." She smiled at him.

Severus's mouth twitched, but he didn't quite smile. "That is kind of you to say so," he stated, forcing himself to be formal.

He appreciated their words and the deeper sentiment behind them, but the odd feeling of being flattered made Severus uneasy. He hoped the girls weren't trying to flirt with him, because that alone would give him cause to feel guilty... not that he would reciprocate. Glancing at Lily, Severus hoped the two girls would leave him alone.

"Well... that's all," Rose finally uttered, casting a glance at her friend, who giggled like a Hufflepuff.

Oh, honestly, Severus thought, don't insult the great name of Slytherin house by sounding like a tickled-pink Hufflepuff crushing after some poor bloke.

Severus felt relief flood him when the girls retreated, leaving him to eat his dinner undisturbed. Once he had finished, he noticed that Lily was no longer in the Great Hall. He glared half-heartedly at Rose and Emily as he strode past them, blaming them for keeping him longer than he intended.

Finding Lily in their usual spot, the infamous broom closet, Severus sat next to her.

"How was the funeral?" Severus inquired softly. As soon as he spoke the words, he thought he sounded ridiculous. "I mean, you know-" he tried to clarify.

"It was a nice service," Lily said, taking his hand in hers. "You should have been there, Sev. I think you would have liked it... despite it being a funeral and all."

Severus realized there was no great way to discuss a funeral. "I wasn't the only one who didn't go," he muttered, thinking of his earlier encounter with Sirius.

"I know," Lily replied. "I think Sirius regrets not going now. I overheard him talking with James and Remus when we'd all just gotten back. He really seemed broken up."

"And did you hear anything he said?" Severus asked, curious.

"No, why?"

"He... Black and I had a talk today, although I think Black's original intent was more to throttle me. Attack first, ask questions later kind of thing."

Lily's mouth dropped open. "What happened?" she questioned, worried.

Severus explained the interaction with Sirius, ending with, "So, we sort of made amends, at least for Peter's death. I'm certainly not forgiving him for his treatment of me the past seven years."

"That was really decent of you, Sev," Lily said. "Last year, I would have said I was impressed, but I know now that you have it in you, so I'm not surprised. You were the bigger man."

"Do you really believe that?" Severus wondered.

"Sure, I do. It wasn't easy for you to apologize, even though you really didn't have to. You did the right thing, though, not knowing if he would be decent in return and apologize, but he did, Sev. Maybe Sirius will come round like James has and see more of what I see in you."

Severus laughed uncomfortably. "I don't want them seeing in me what you do, Lily. You're in love with me, aren't you?"

"Look at you making a joke, Sev," Lily teased, kissing him on the nose, then on the lips briefly. "You really can laugh at yourself now because you're not worried anyone else is laughing at you."

Lily's melodic laughter rose in the air, filling that emptiness inside Severus. He couldn't pin why that was the case, but through the tragedy of the last few days, Severus had come out the stronger, the better, the enduring happier for them.

The Moment It Began by sindie11 [Reviews - 3]

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