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A Spy's Fate by debjunk [Reviews - 5]

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Chapter 11: Getting to Know You

Bree was released the next morning. Severus saw to it that she was settled in before leaving to teach his classes. He admonished her to stay in bed, or she would be in serious trouble when he returned. She had smiled and assured him she would do as he had advised. Before he left, he couldn’t help but descend upon her and kiss her lovingly. He felt a jolt within him as she pressed her lips to his. Merlin, she was intoxicating. Their kiss seemed to go on forever and he never wanted it to end, but finally, they separated.

“Brianna, you are amazing,” he whispered tenderly.

“You’re quite wonderful yourself,” she admitted.

He rubbed her neck and looked into her eyes. He saw love there, which was almost too much for him to handle. Never had he supposed he would see such an emotion directed at him, especially by someone as wonderful as she was. He wasn’t sure why she felt the way she did about him, but he was thrilled that she did. He couldn’t help himself, so he gave her another quick kiss. She smiled at him as they parted.


Bree settled into the bed and hugged herself. She couldn’t believe everything that had happened since yesterday. How could she be so lucky? Severus really cared about her! It had all happened so fast, she was still reeling.

The last thing she had expected when she had asked him what was wrong was for him to confess his attraction for her. She had been astonished. She had never dreamed that he would feel that way about her. She knew they were friends, and even though she was nuts about him, she had never kidded herself into believing for one minute that the feeling was mutual.

Not that she was insecure, she wasn’t. She knew she had nice looks and a good sense of humor. She had many men interested in her over the years. She just couldn’t believe her good fortune to have this particular tall, dark, and handsome man attracted to her. She continued thinking about him, all the while grinning like the Cheshire cat.


A short while after Severus had left, she got her mirror. She called to her partner and he appeared, looking a bit peeved.

“Sorry, sir. I have been in the hospital and couldn’t report in. I was hexed by Bellatrix Lestrange.”

“Yes,” snapped the man, “and if you hadn’t been protecting Severus Snape, you would not have been harmed. I told you your mission must be foremost in your mind. Bree, you cannot take risks like that again, no matter whose life is at stake!”

She didn’t know how he had known the whole story, but it didn’t surprise her. He seemed to be on top of everything all of the time.

“I’m sorry sir. I didn’t think. I just reacted. She would have killed him, he wasn’t even aware she was hexing him.”

The voice softened. “I understand, Bree, but you seriously compromised our plan with your actions. Please think before you act next time.”

“I will, sir. I promise,” she softly replied.

“How are the plans to move to Grimmauld Place?” the voice asked.

“I am going to owl Harry Potter now to ask permission to stay there. If he agrees, I’ll move in the next couple of days.”

“What will Remus think of your sudden change of scenery?”

“You were right, sir. He is no longer a problem. We have broken up amicably.”

The man smiled. “Good, that leaves you free to relocate without questions being asked. Well, at least the wrong questions. You can always blame your move on the breakup.”

She nodded reflectively. “Yes, I was planning on using that as an alibi. I will let you know what day I will be moving, sir. Thank you for everything.”

The man nodded and disappeared. Bree put the mirror away and went to write a letter to Harry Potter.

Dear Harry,

I was wondering if I could use one of the rooms at Grimmauld Place. I have been living in Harrington for a while, but find I do not enjoy the area as I used to. Professor Snape mentioned that other Order members have lived there in the past and I was wondering if I could take advantage of your hospitality and move there. I think I would benefit from the hustle and bustle that goes on at the home. I find myself rather lonely at present. Please let me know as soon as you make a decision. Thank you so much for even considering it.

Brianna Corwin

It only took a couple of hours to receive a reply. He must have written it immediately.

Miss Corwin,

Please feel free to move in to GP as soon as you’d like. It will be nice to know that someone is living there and looking after it while I am away. Please feel free to stay as long, or as short, a time as you wish. I hope you can think of it as your home and that you find it a more stimulating place to live than Harrington.

Harry Potter

Bree smiled. Another piece of the puzzle had fallen into place. She would move into Grimmauld Place and further entrench herself within the Order. The next meeting would be in three days. She would move her things that morning.


Late that evening, there was a knock at Bree’s door. She opened it and was pleased to see Severus on the other side of it. He swept in, his robes billowing behind him. She closed the door, but before she even had a chance to turn and greet him, his arms were around her.

“I thought I told you not to get out of bed,” he whispered in her ear.

“The door wasn’t going to answer itself, Severus,” she said in exasperation.

“I certainly hope this is the only incidence of insubordination on your part,” he continued to whisper in her ear.

“What if it wasn’t?” she teased.

“Then I will be…” he murmured as he nibbled on her ear, “quite put out.”

Bree turned in his arms and gave him an innocent look.

“I promise I did just what you said.”

“I have ways of knowing things, Brianna,” Severus warned. He pulled her to him and kissed her. Reluctantly, he pulled away after a while. “So, what have you been doing all day?” he asked.

“Well, I owled Harry Potter and asked if I could move into Grimmauld Place.”

Severus raised an eyebrow at that. He guided her to her sofa and settled her down into it before responding.

“What did Potter say?”

“He said I could move in as soon as I would like. I thought that a good time would be before the next Order meeting.”

Severus smiled at her. Bree couldn’t help but smile back.

“I’m glad you decided to relocate. I will be able to spend more time with you there,” Severus said as he caressed her cheek.

“That’s just another good reason to move then,” Bree said to him as she smiled brightly. She suddenly got serious. “Have you reported to Voldemort yet?”

“I just came from there. He’s livid, as you could expect.”

Bree narrowed her eyes at him. “You’re not hurt. He didn’t suspect you of anything?”

“He suspects everyone. He is unsure who tipped the Order off. He seems too absorbed about Bellatrix’s loss to do much speculating, though. He sent Cruciatus curses at each one of us, but they were mild in comparison to what I am usually given.”

“So, no one else suspected you of attacking fellow Death Eaters?” Bree asked.

“I don’t think so,” Severus said as he thought about the meeting. “If they do suspect me, they are keeping their suspicions to themselves.”

“No one looked at you oddly?” Bree continued.

Severus stared off into nothing and thought about it. He had scanned the group during the meeting, but everyone had seemed too scared to make eye contact with anyone else. It was hard to see who was examining who behind everyone’s masks in any case.

“Just Lucius Malfoy, but he has been staring at me for weeks now. I believe he’s waiting for me to slip up so he can take over my position at the Dark Lord’s side.”

“You must be careful, Severus,” Bree told him as she pulled his face to look at her. “I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you.”

Severus smiled wanly and decided to change the subject. “How are you feeling, Brianna?” he asked with true concern.

“I’m fine. I feel a little weak, but other than that I’m alright.”

Severus studied her face, looking for deception. He took her at her word. “I was wondering, if you would feel up to a little traveling tomorrow?”

“What did you have in mind?”

“That’s a surprise,” Severus admonished.

Bree looked at him suspiciously. “Just what are you up to, Severus?”

“I thought we could have that dream date you were going on about yesterday.”

“Oh!” Bree exclaimed. “I’d love to! What time will you be here?”

“I’ll pick you up at four, if that’s alright,” Severus told her.

“I’ll be ready,” Bree gushed, filled with excitement.

Severus raised his eyebrow at her, and she thought she would melt through the couch.

“I hope you like what I have planned,” he said.

Bree pulled herself next to him and snuggled into his side. “I’m sure I’ll love whatever you have planned.”

Severus rubbed her arm and pulled her closer. “We’ll see,” he said absently.


The next afternoon, Severus picked Bree up to take her on her ‘dream date’. He was very nervous, but covered it up with a look of indifference which made Brianna smile at him. He hoped that his simple plans were pleasing to her. He wasn’t used to wooing women or finding romantic getaways. Giving her a tentative smile, he took her arm and Apparated the two of them away.

They appeared in the mountains by a lake. Severus led her to a blanket that was set up for a picnic. She smiled brightly as they settled themselves on the blanket, and Severus began unpacking the picnic basket. The sun was just setting, and it was filling the sky with beautiful colors. Bree gasped as the sky changed from pink to orange to a bright golden color. The colors reflected on the lake and sparkled in the air. They seemed to surround them in a swirl of magic.

“Severus, this is beautiful,” she managed to mutter as she took in the breathtaking sight.

“Not as beautiful as you,” Severus whispered in her ear after scooting next to her.

She turned into him, and he pulled her close, surrounding her lips with his. The magical sunset took hold of them, and they leaned back and became absorbed in one another. It was a long time before they came up for air.

“Does this satisfactorily fill the definition of a ‘dream date’?” Severus asked, his expression becoming a bit nervous again.

Bree caressed his cheek and gave him a look that made him catch his breath. “Anywhere I am with you is a dream come true, Severus.”

Severus smiled finally, assured that he had made a good decision about the location. “Are you hungry?” he asked her.

She looked at him slyly and answered, “Not for food.” She pulled him back to her, and they continued where they left off.


Three days later, she had shrunk all of her belongings and arrived at Grimmauld Place with box in hand. She perused the bedrooms upstairs and chose one that was bright and cheerful. The walls were a pale yellow and wispy white curtains bordered the windows. She liked the tone of the room. It seemed to not fit with the drab décor of the rest of the house. She put everything where she wanted it and waited for the Order meeting later that afternoon.


Bree waited until she heard some commotion downstairs before she went into the study. Remus was already there. She sat next to him, whispering about the events of the last few days with him. He smiled and congratulated her. She noticed Severus come in and sit down. Excusing herself to Remus, she joined him on the couch. Severus smirked at Lupin as he pulled Bree’s hand covertly into his. He didn’t want to be too demonstrative, as he didn’t want the entire Order to know of their new status. The fewer people who knew about their relationship, the safer the two of them would be. Severus felt that he would endanger her too much if they came out and announced their relationship at this time. He didn’t want the Dark Lord to find out about his new love, as the despot was a jealous Lord, who would want to know everything about the woman next to him. Severus had no intention of endangering her life any more than it already was being a member of the Order.

Soon enough the meeting came to order. There wasn’t really much to discuss. The happenings of the previous battle were analyzed and new attacks were formed. Soon it was over and everyone had retired to the kitchen for another wonderful meal spearheaded by Mrs. Weasley and Kreacher.

When everyone was done and people were clearing the table, Bree took her leave to find Severus. She found him in his usual place. He had explained to her about his wishes that their relationship be kept secret, and she had agreed. Coming up to him, she settled herself in the chair next to his. He glanced over at her and smirked.

“Did you get settled in?” he asked her.

“Yes, I didn’t really have too much, so it was easy to get unpacked.”

Severus’ eyes blazed. “Shall we move this conversation to your new room, then?”

Bree stood up and extended her hand. “I thought you’d never ask!”

She led him up the stairs and into the second bedroom. He looked around at her furnishings, smiling a bit to himself as he wandered around the bedroom.

“You know,” he offered, “that was my room when I stayed here.”

She arched an eyebrow at him.

“Little did I know you liked such bright things, Severus. I thought you would choose the drabbest room available.”

“I’m just full of surprises, my dear.”

He pulled her close and hugged her.

“Thank you, Brianna.”

“For what?” she asked.

“For wanting to be with me, for saving my life, for looking after me when I was recuperating, for being you, for everything.”

She squeezed him tightly and thanked Merlin for putting such a wonderful man in her life.

A/N: Next up: Phase two begins

Thanks everyone for reading and reviewing. The plot thickens as we move along. ;) Many thanks and a huge bow to my beta, Lilith Kayden.

A Spy's Fate by debjunk [Reviews - 5]

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