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Moonlit Memories by olivialynlee [Reviews - 4]

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“Serena, wake up,” he said softly. She remained motionless in his arms.

He sensed the wolf come up behind him soundlessly, and lean over his shoulder.

Turning to glare at him, he saw a concerned look on the man’s face, which angered him even more.

“Get back,” he hissed.

Thomas straightened, his blue eyes flashing with annoyance. “I have known her longer than you, Professor Snape. I am sure that she would prefer that I assist her. After all, we were practically engaged.”

Snape stood, lifting Serena in his arms easily, and facing the three men. “You have not seen her in a long time, Thomas. How can you be sure of anything?”

A look of doubt swept across Thomas’ face as he considered Severus’ words. Looking at the woman in Snape’s arms, the doubt vanished and was replaced with a triumphant expression. Closing the gap, Thomas pulled the charm out from beneath Serena’s collar.

Smiling smugly, he held it out for Severus to see. “Because, Professor Snape, she still carries a part of me close to her heart.”

Severus stared at the moon charm, which was glowing brightly in Thomas’ grasp. Unconsciously, he tightened his grip on the woman in his arms. Without thinking, he turned toward Albus, silently asking for help.

Albus stepped forward. “Perhaps we should allow Severus to see to Serena. They have become good friends and she trusts him. You and she can catch up tomorrow after the shock has settled.” Nodding his head toward Snape, he added, “You may want to prepare a draught for her.”

“I already have one.” Giving Thomas one last glare, he turned to leave the room.

Behind him a voice called out, “Remember to whom she belongs, Professor Snape. She has always belonged to me.”

Gritting his teeth, he tried to block out the voice in his head that said Thomas was right.

Snape sat on the edge of his bed and observed the young woman lying there. He had brought her to his chambers because they were closer, but also because, selfishly, he wanted to keep her as far away from Thomas as possible. He knew that the guest rooms were on the other side of the castle, and the distance made him feel slightly better. Glancing back down at Serena, he noticed that her face was pale, her body was shivering, and she was mumbling. Snape leaned forward to hear what she was saying, but she was speaking in her native language. He put a hand on her cheek to calm her and gently whispered her name, hoping to wake her. She leaned toward his hand and sighed, “Thomas.”

He pulled his hand back as if burned. Of course, her mind was full of him. He sneered and let his eyes drift down from her face. Catching sight of the heavy chain around her neck, he saw that the charm was once again hidden under her gown. He pulled it out and stared at the glowing charm, remembering the pleased look on the werewolf leader’s face when he had glimpsed it earlier. Severus knew that it signified some sort of bond between the two, and the fact that she still wore it bothered him. His eyes flickered back up to her face and caught her staring at him. Dropping the charm, he smiled tightly at her.

“You gave us quite a scare.” He made to move, but she grabbed his arm.

“Was it really…” She couldn’t finish the sentence, her eyes closing in pain.

“Thomas,” he finished for her, wincing slightly. “Yes, it was.”

“But he’s dead,” she whispered. She looked back up at Severus, a haunted look in her eyes. “I saw him die. Everyone told me he was dead.”

“And yet, he’s not,” Severus replied quietly, the simple statement mocking him. He knew that one fact could change everything. He stood and grabbed a glass from the nearby table. Bringing it back to the bed, he handed it to Serena. She shook her head, grabbed his arm to steady herself, and tried to stand.

“No, I don’t want anything. I need to speak to him.” Standing briefly, she sat back down on the bed, her trembling legs unable to support her weight.

Snape felt his heart sink, seeing her so determined to get to Thomas. He sat beside her and handed her the glass once again. “You need to rest first. You’ve had quite a shock.” We all have, he added mentally.

Serena considered his words for a moment and then accepted the glass, drinking the potion down in one gulp. Handing it back to Severus, she lay back down on the bed and turned away from him.

Before he could move, she glanced at him over her shoulder. “Would you hold me until I fall asleep?”

He stared at her and nodded, placing the glass on the floor and lying down next to her. He pulled her against his chest and wrapped his arms around her. She snuggled into his embrace, her breathing evening out as the potion began to take effect. He had given her one of the vials of draught they had made shortly after her arrival, so he knew it wouldn’t be long until she was fast asleep. He kissed her lightly on the back of her neck and whispered in her ear, “Everything will be alright.” Although he wasn’t sure if he was saying it for her benefit, or for his own.

Serena awoke early the next morning. She blinked her eyes and looked around, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings. Feeling hot breath on her neck, she looked down and saw Severus’ arm wrapped around her waist, holding tight. Turning carefully in his arms so as not to wake him, she studied him as he slept. His black hair was tousled and covered most of his face. She reached out and very gently pushed it out the way, tucking it behind his ear. Stroking his brow lightly, she smoothed down the eyebrows that had become mussed during the night. Tracing her way down his cheek, her finger found its way to his lips. Leaning in, she gave him a tender kiss. He sighed quietly and opened his eyes, smiling when he saw her. He closed the slight gap between them and kissed her deeply, his insistent lips searching for some assurance. Moving closer, she parted her lips as his tongue slid into her warm mouth. Whimpering softly, she broke the kiss and stared over his shoulder, not meeting his eyes. She was silent for a long time, and he knew she was thinking of Thomas. Sliding her gaze back to Severus, she reached up and cupped his face with a cool hand. He closed his eyes, hating the silence, but almost afraid of what she would say.

“Severus, how much do you know about Thomas?” she asked.

His mouth set in a grim line, he replied, “Not much. I assumed that he was someone you were in love with and he died.” The last part came out more harshly than he intended. He watched as she paled and pulled back from him. “I also assumed that your fascination with werewolves played a role in there somewhere, I just wasn’t sure how.” He rolled on his back and looked at the black canopy above his bed. “I guess I know now,” he whispered.

She put her hand on his chest, feeling his heartbeat. He turned his head to look at her, and covered her hand with his own. How had he allowed this woman to become so important to him? Staring back up at the canopy, his father’s words rang in his mind again. How right the old bastard had turned out to be. Severus sneered up at the canopy and knew once and for all that it was his fate to be alone. He should have known that this thing with Serena, whatever it was, was too good to be true, and it was best that he get used to the idea sooner rather than later. He shoved her hand off his chest and sat on the edge of the bed. Taking a deep breath, he pushed himself up and walked toward the door. Without turning around, he said, “I need to go prepare for my classes.” He knew it was a cop-out, but he had to get away from her, especially when she was lying in his bed thinking of another man. He slammed the door behind him, trying to close her out of his mind and heart.

Serena stared in shock, the slammed door echoing in the empty room. How could he have just left her? Serena felt nauseous. She moved to the edge of the bed, and sat up, trying to wrap her mind around what had happened. The last few days with Severus had been wonderful. She knew she cared about him and wanted to be with him whenever possible. If she were honest with herself, she may have even admitted that she was falling in love with him. She shakily wiped her forehead and ran her fingers through her hair, trying to untangle the mess. Her mind flew back to the previous night. Thomas was alive. How was that possible? She closed her eyes, trying to remember the night Thomas had supposedly died.

Flashes of blood and screams filled her mind, causing her to open her eyes and gasp. She stood unsteadily and moved slowly towards Severus’ bathroom. Looking in the mirror, she grasped the edge of the sink and took in her pale face, ratted hair, and shadowed eyes. Trying to make herself look somewhat presentable, she washed her face and brushed her hair. Memories of that night flitted through her mind and she tried to make sense of them. Walking into the forest looking for Thomas. His anger when she found him. His order for her to leave. Hearing the growling and screaming. Seeing the blood. His last words. Glaring at her reflection in the mirror, she remembered Philippe telling her that Thomas was dead. It just didn’t make any sense. Why would someone who claimed to love her let her think he was dead? Steeling herself, she knew that it was time to get the answers that were never going to come from her memories. As she walked through Severus’ bedroom, she glanced back toward the bed, smiling softly as she remembered waking up in his arms. She wondered what this would mean for the two of them.

Snape sat at his desk, glaring at the stack of ungraded papers. He picked up the top one, read the first line, and dropped it back on the pile. Focusing on the incompetence of his students usually took his mind off whatever was bothering him. However, today it didn’t seem to be working. Running a hand through his hair, his mind flashed back to the image of Serena lying in his bed and waking him with a kiss. Sneering, he knew that by now she was probably with the wolf. Hearing the door open, he raised his head hopefully; eyes narrowing when he saw it was only Dumbledore.

“What do you want?” he snarled.

“I came to see how you were doing,” the Headmaster said quietly.

Snape just stared at him and smiled bitterly.

“That good, huh?” Dumbledore settled himself into a seat facing Snape, giving the man a gentle smile.

“If you expect me to share my feelings with you, I am afraid that you are sorely mistaken,” Severus said scornfully.

“I know that you don’t usually share your feelings with people,” Dumbledore began. Snape snorted at the absurdity of that statement.

Albus looked at him in amusement and continued, “However, I thought, you might want to listen.”

Snape rolled his eyes, realizing that he was not going to get rid of the interfering old man anytime soon. Raising his hand, he motioned at the Headmaster, as if giving permission to continue.

“When Serena first came to Hogwarts, I had no idea that you and she would become so close. I’ve seen the way you look at her.” Dumbledore narrowed his eyes, taking in the uncomfortable look on Severus’ face.

He continued. “More importantly, I’ve seen the way she looks at you.” Snape’s head shot up and Dumbledore saw a hopeful look flicker across his face, before the sneering expression, so often seen on Severus, returned.

“If you do nothing but hide away in your classroom, you will lose her,” Albus said softly. “If you care for her at all, you will tell her how you feel. Fight for her if necessary. Don’t be afraid to take a leap of faith.” He smiled, his eyes crinkling, as he quoted. “The sense of danger must not disappear; the way is certainly both short and steep, however gradual it looks from here; look if you like, but you will have to leap.”

Snape looked at the older man, horrified. There was no longer any doubt in his mind. The man had gone utterly insane.

Dumbledore stood and chuckled, “Someone I know has an interest in poetry.” He shrugged slightly and turned to leave.

Before he left the room, he glanced back at Snape. “Good luck, Severus. Don’t sit back and allow someone like Serena to slip through your fingers, or you will regret it.”

Snape’s eyes fell on the essays once again. Was this to be his future? Teaching brats who hated him and grading papers from complete idiots? He felt a sudden hopelessness at that thought. Reaching a decision, he got up, intending to find Serena and tell her how he truly felt. Smirking, he wondered if he should borrow one of Dumbledore’s poetry books.

The poem Dumbledore quoted was W.H. Auden’s “Leap Before You Look”.

Moonlit Memories by olivialynlee [Reviews - 4]

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