To Travel Through Time: Part Two: Untouchable: The Staff Meeting

by Melvacaea

I have two weeks of vacation left. *sighs* *mutters* I have to go buy my books. I've finally got the Biology book, but I mean, seriously...

Thanks to wytchkat, Trickie Woo, and snivelly13 for reviewing the previous chapter (even if it really was a load of drivel) and [wytchkat] for nominating me as candidate to write the seventh book if it turns out to be a total flop (which is what some people consider the sixth to be). *squee* (Sorry, I had to say that. It just made me all tingly and I blushed... my boyfriend said I looked cute and I hit him with my Biology book. *looks smug*)

~3~ The Staff Meeting ~

"I've heard rumors already. Rumors that she's not all she seems to be. She doesn't even appear to be a true Slytherin."

The words reached Achlys' ears and she turned her head to the doorway, eyes bright with curiosity. Minerva McGonagall and Pomona Sprout entered through the doorway, stopping when they saw her. Achlys stretched a feral smile at them, fiddling with her wand. It felt so right now, to have this wand.

"I can assure you, Professors," she said dangerously, "that I am every bit a Slytherin as you say I am not."

Filius cast her a glance and she gave him a genuine grin, set her wand on the table, and leaned back as the staff filtered in. All of them talking about her. What a bunch of busybodies. Jesus Christ. I can see why Snape isn't very sociable. Eighteen years around these people and it's enough to make you want to run and hide from the entire world. When Dumbledore entered, the doors closed, and he took his seat at the head of the circular table (the chair that had its back to the north).

"As you all know, we have a new Potions professor and Head of Slytherin House. Professor Achlys Ashling."

Achlys inclined her head at the polite smattering of welcome applause.

"And our newest addition to the Order of the Phoenix."

The proverbial pin dropped. Ooh, boy. The professors seemed surprised and Achlys stretched that feral smile again, just showing the tips of her teeth.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked her softly, and Achlys thought about it. Everyone was looking at her solemnly, eyes dark with knowledge that Achlys didn't know.

It was only a moment when she looked into Dumbledore's eyes and saw everything she was supposed to do flash past. She took a deep intake of breath and closed her eyes.

"Don't do that," she ground out. "Don't read my mind and don't put things in it either." She opened her eyes again, averting them so that they bore into the opposite wall. "You know I will."

"Should have been a Gryffindor," she heard Minerva say.

"Brilliant. Insult a Slytherin why don't you?" she muttered under her breath, and saw Sinistra incline her head at her. Sapphina Sinistra, the only other Slytherin on staff, had turned down the position to be Head of Slytherin House. Achlys dipped it to the side discreetly as an acknowledgment.

Dumbledore was smiling gently.

"When do you want to do it?"

Achlys sighed.

"As soon as possible."

"Yes, I can see why. The more you dally, the more in danger your position as Head of Slytherin will be."

Ha! Personal reasons! Flipping Slytherins. She kept her face in a neutral expression and saw the dawning of comprehension cross Minerva's face. Apparently, I am a Slytherin. So I might as well be proud of it. It's very hard when all you remember is your years in Gryffindor house. Dumbledore continued on with a different topic, schedules. She wasn't really very interested in this and read her schedule with increasing boredom. She noticed that she had N.E.W.T. class first thing on Monday and she started a mental outline of the short quiz she was going to give them. Oral, I should think. It'll go faster. And I can dock points to hold up pretenses. This is going to be tough. Questions ranging from first year to sixth should be good enough... and then I'll ask Severus what they've already covered this past month. It is October... right? She checked the calendar and was happy to see that she was correct.

"Any ideas?"

Everyone was looking at her and Achlys kept her face in the neutral expression she had learned from Snape – in her other life. Well, shit. Right, wild guess time. What could they be talking about?

"I have none," she said smoothly. "I was never amazingly creative." That should cover all the bases.

"A masquerade would be nice," Pomona said. Halloween ball. Bloody hell, and they're asking me? Serious consider the fact of what I'm going to do and what I'm going to become... I'll probably say a blood fest!

As they debated, Achlys set her head in her hand and gazed serenely across the table at absolutely nothing. After a few minutes, she noted that their voices were no longer heated and were calmer. She tuned in briefly.

"In all honesty, I don't think that it should be allowed, Albus!" Minerva was saying. "How can we trust them? They're students!"

"They do need to work on their end of the year projects, Minerva," Madame Hooch said calmly.

"With teacher supervision!"

"End of the year projects are projects that they do in the field they want to major without help! They give the overview to the corresponding professor and then the final result. That's it."

Achlys decided to speak. "I found young Severus Snape asleep in my lab brewing this for you, Headmaster." She tapped the box and Albus took it from her hands, the brief look of confusion replaced by dawning comprehension. "He did a remarkable job and everything was in order. I checked."

There was silence and Achlys bit her cheek to keep from laughing. Their faces were priceless.

"These are seventeen to eighteen-year-old students. Mature... I hope. Smarter than before. More trustworthy. You could always put a Spyglass in the room if you don't trust them, but I don't see why they can't do it."

Achlys watched the discussion be settled by saying that those that didn't feel comfortable with students working in private studies and labs and such should put in Spyglasses. And that was the end of that. Achlys laughed up her sleeve and was the first to leave when the meeting was adjourned.


Another bunch of drivel. Ah well. I quite enjoyed the bits of sarcasm, that was the fun part. Jim Butcher is my inspiration. (If you haven't read the Dresden Chronicles, starting with Storm Front, then what the heck are you waiting for?!)

It gets better. *grins*

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