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Reviews for To Dance by the Light of the Moon

Titaniafey 2009.11.14 - 06:45PM 5: Chapter Five Signed
I agree with Trickie woo, the headline in the Quibbler and Luna and Snape's remarks were some of the funniest I've read for while. Well done!!

Author's Response: Thanks so much again, Titaniafey. Glad you're enjoying it. Scar

Trickie Woo 2009.11.12 - 04:02PM 5: Chapter Five Signed
Lord, I enjoy reading this story. So far, I think these are the best lines in a story filled with priceless lines: “Should Arabella Figg get the Order of Merlin?” ‘She slugged Lucius Malfoy across the back of the head with a string bag full of cat food, and knocked him out cold,’ Luna replied to the unasked question, as Severus dragged his eyes back to her. ‘In that case they should make the Order first class,’ he murmured, ‘considering she got a better result than the assembled masses of the Order of the Phoenix ever managed.’ It's lovely to see Severus actually enjoying life for a change and great to see Dumbledore being taken down a peg or two. Except for Septima and Trelawney, it seems the staff is intent on matchmaking. I hope they succeed since he now sees hope for the future with rent free premises for research and experimentation and he is enjoying Luna so much.

Author's Response: Thanks so much, Trickie Woo. I suspect that Severus is just looking forward to retirement, without the drudgery of growing old and working to that end to wear him down. As to his remarks about Arabella Figg, well, they may come back to bite him on the arse quite shortly. Many thanks again. Scaranda

Rose of the West 2009.11.12 - 10:29AM 5: Chapter Five Signed
A purple stain sounds like KMnO4. She'll never get it out, either. You know, I think I could read the whole story from the standpoint of the various busybodies. I see Lupin makes a comment that sounds like he doesn't think anything is happening, but I suspect his true meaning is completely different. Your Luna is delightfully Luna, and Snape is himself, but he's enjoying it.

Author's Response: And that's exactly what it is, Rose. Well spotted! As to Lupin's true meanings, well, let's just keep an eye on them, shall we? Many thanks for your support, as always. Scaranda

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