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Reviews for Singing Up to a Capulet

Trickie Woo 2009.03.08 - 11:57PM 16: One Hour Signed
At least they finally had a type of het sex. But this was too far out there for me, I'm not into that kind of S/M. I was hoping for more conventional PMILF smut (the PM stands for Potions Master, I'm sure you know what the ILF means). I am conventionally het with an over active libido. I'm not a prude and have tried just about everything het in the conventional way; I know what I like and it ain't kinky. I don't mind reading Victorian style B/D, but that's as far as I go.

Author's Response: Mmm, try my new NT/SS fic. ;D

Rose of the West 2009.03.07 - 02:00AM 13: Wish You Were Here Signed
We've tapdanced around all the edges of before and after they had a physical relationship. I suspect you're going to show it to us, eventually?

Author's Response: Oh, yesh. But it has to be hard-won for the reader as well as them. ;)

Trickie Woo 2009.03.06 - 08:03PM 13: Wish You Were Here Signed
Well at least you obliged me by taking the wimpy wolf out of the equation. But I don't like to read either type of slash, F/F or M/M, it does absolutely nothing for me except make me nauseous. I don't want to have a picture in my head of what any of my gay friends do behind bedroom doors or pulled shades, their sex life is their business, not mine. However, male/female one on one smut does a lot for my libido, especially when it's Snape and a grown up woman who is not the know-it-all and I can insert myself into the fantasy of being that woman. Are you planning to put some Snape/Aurora smut in here? I'd like to have a chance to experience my fantasy.

Author's Response: It's a coming - be prepared for some more BDSM though...

Trickie Woo 2009.03.06 - 07:30PM 12: Consent Signed
P.S. When?

Author's Response: :D I'm uploading as fast as I can!!

Rose of the West 2009.03.05 - 09:24PM 12: Consent Signed
That's not how I would offer forgiveness, but it seems to work for this pair. I do think her restraint is appropriate, under the circumstances.

Author's Response: I'm glad you think it works, Rose. I took a chance with that scene. We'll see if it works out in the framework of the whole story...

Trickie Woo 2009.03.05 - 02:53PM 11: The Summons Signed
I did say in #3 that it was more Albus's fault. He may have manipulated Lupin into the position of keeping quiet about it. I imagine werewolves had to be registered with the ministry so they could keep track of them, the old SOB could have magicked the registry to disguise the entry for Lupin. I don't believe that trusting Severus around the students was even an issue. He could see that Snape's gruff, mean and sometimes cruel teaching methods protected the students from harm in the potions classroom; potions is a very dangerous subject that demanded full attention from the students, particularly when brewing. He assigned Severus to protect Harry at all costs. No wonder Severus is so angry every time Harry breaks the rules and ends up risking his life, Severus is the one who would ultimately be held responsible if Harry lost his life. He is totally loyal to Dumbledore and he has a strong protective streak in him. That was particularly evident the night he took the potion to the Shrieking Shack becauseLupin neglected to take it. Since we only see him and Lupin from Harry's viewpoint that view is obviously skewed. Severus was probably seen by many of the adults differently than Harry or Sirius saw him. The adults may have seen the wimpy wishy-washy side of Lupin that I dislike so much. The readers weren't let in on how anyone else saw it, so who knows? I think tht if Rowling examined her id, she would find that it sees Severus much differently than her ego does. The character her id has put between, and sometimes within, the lines is the character that Snape fans see and her id was very attached to that character. Unfortunately, her ego took over in Chapter 32 of DH and ruined Snape's chance of a future. Btw, when I mentioned Rose's story I wrote Horcrux, when I meant to write Patronus. Change the word and you will see what I meant.

Author's Response: Some interesting points, Trickie. I've heard JKR say in interviews that SS was based on an actual teacher of hers - a very unpleasant, unhappy man apparently. Is this sort of an anti-hero (which is itself a hero turned on its head) turned on its head? Hmm...

Trickie Woo 2009.03.04 - 04:10PM 11: The Summons Signed
I was going to recommend 'A More Merciful Man', but I see you're already reading it. That's my all time favorite fan fic and it has a gay Lupin. The friendly relationship Severus has with him in that story is how I prefer to see him. Severus Snape is a true romantic goth hero, Lupin pales to a wimpy ghost beside him. I'll admit he doeshave an upside as a kind man who everybody likes, but his downside far outweighs that for me: #1) As a prefect he let his friends get away with torturing Severus (and probably other students they didn't like) because he was afarid of losing their friendship. #2) He neglected to take his potion to go to Sirius in the Shrieking Shack #3) He agreed to teach at Hogwarts without insisting that he should publicly be known as a werewolf. This one is more Albus's fault, he should have put the safety of the students and the staff ahead of keeping Lupin's werewolf status a secret. #40 The same one I keep harping about; he ran out on his pregnant wife and 3 teenagers had to show him the importance of what marriage is and talk him into going back to her. That's the one I can't forgive. I think he learned all he knew about relationships and marriage from Sirius. I loathe Sirius and my list for him is a lot longer and more damning.

Author's Response: Thanks for the recommendation, Trickie. I'm still in the middle of "AMMM", but am enjoying it thoroughly - very clever. I don't know if I agree with you about Lupin issue #3, though. If Dumbledore trusts Snape (a Death Eater) around the students, then I don't see why his trust couldn't extend to a werewolf (under control of said Snape). I guess the same argument could be made for Hagrid...

Trickie Woo 2009.03.04 - 03:45PM 11: The Summons Signed
You should read Rose's story, 'Two Sides Against the Middle', for a really great explanation of that Horcrux, what it means, and how he came about producing it. Even in DH, I think it's something that Dumbledore manipulated to come out of him. You know, a really interesting pair would be Remus Lupin/Trixie Lestrange during a full moon at Trixie's time of the month. I'd bet Trixie with PMS would get the upperhand in a romantic (or not) scuffle with a werewolf at full change without the wolfsbane potion. I bet even Greyback is careful around her.

Author's Response: Good suggestion, TW, I'll get to Rose's story next. I have my own explanation for the Patronus (thanks for the clarification) brewing, so maybe I'll hold off on reading before I write that.

Trickie Woo 2009.03.03 - 11:57PM 11: The Summons Signed
Why is bloody effing Lupin in this? I'm starting to hate him as much as I hate that even bloodier effing hound, Sirius Black. He trusts her as a soldier fighting beside him, in that way he trusts her with his life. I don't believe it's personal distrust, I think it's jealousy because he thought something was going on between her and bloody effing Lupin, but it seems he was wrong. And if he's jealous, that means that St. Lily is not still the object of his unrequited love. Frankly, I figure he was over being in love with St. Lily long ago. Dumbledore used his puppy love to control him. He fanned it into a guilty obsession and used it to twist the knife into Severus whenever he wanted him to do something unconscionable. With the old man not around anymore he should at least be able to acknowledge that he has feelings of his own. He will have to be careful about what action he takes on them until the 'Tedious One' is vanquished. Even with a mention of bloody effing Lupin, I liked this chapter much more than the previous one. I like that she has learned to do something positive for herself rather than resort to cocaine.

Author's Response: Yeah, the cocaine chapter is not a happy one. Unfortunately, Trickie, you will see a little more Lupin, but hopefully in a way that will resolve some issues. As for "St. Lily", the Patronus seems the surest way of telling a person's true affections, doesn't it?

Trickie Woo 2009.03.03 - 11:12PM 10: King of Pain Signed
Why would she be stupid enough to get involved with cocaine? Actually why would anybody be that stupid? I'm sure the Wizarding World has spells and potions that are much safer than cocaine and are non-addicting. Why isn't she addicted to sex with Snape, that would be a heck of a lot better than cocaine.

Author's Response: >addicted to sex with Snape heehee! Well, my vision was that she stopped using magic entirely for a few years - went off the reservation, full Muggle, whatever (not that narcotics are an appropriate substitute). But don't worry - she'll be hooked on Snape!

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