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Reviews for A Gift of the Goddess

Alcina vom Steinsberg 2009.01.11 - 06:37PM 1: I: A Baby? Yes, Our Baby Signed
Oh, what a wonderful and lovely piece! And I'm truly glad to read more about those dear two!

Author's Response: Thank you so much. I am quite fond of the two myself. /M

star_girl 2009.01.08 - 05:25PM 1: I: A Baby? Yes, Our Baby Signed
I think the impending fatherhood will lead Severus into dealing with his own issues with his parents. He may also feel jealous, that the child is taking all of Cass's love and attention. It will be an interesting journey. And Sevvy if you are reading, I'm not insulted in the slightest, I just had very clear ideas about "my" Severus and how my ofc would need to compliment him, but I felt leaving it open was fair to any readers who wanted more.

Author's Response: You know me, I won't make it easy on dear Severus. Bad me, bad, bad me ;-) /M

sevvy 2009.01.08 - 04:30PM 1: I: A Baby? Yes, Our Baby Signed
Your certainly right about men & their reaction to forthcoming fatherhood: The words my own husband used when he found out I was pregnant with our first son (now 21!) are unrepeatable!! Mind you, I was really ill at the time & we'd literally only just got married & were quite young ourselves. (I'd actually been advised not to have children/told I probably couldn't so, in fairness, it was a bit worrying to say the least.) But we overcame it as Severus clearly will (knowing what happens in 'The Way Home', of course.) Please give my regards to star-girl if you are in touch; I in no way meant to offend her with my comments the other day. After all, it's her story (& brilliantly ended at that) & every story is unique. In that particular instance she is probably right that Severus & Sarah wouldn't go on to have kids. Not everyone does of course & for many that's the totally right decision. Thanks for asking after my health - I'm still struggling currently & I will, I promise, try & contact you soon!

Author's Response: I know some women who'd react that way, too ;-) I'm certain star_girl was not offended by your comment. She would have told you otherwise. *sending get-well-vibes* /M

sevvy 2009.01.08 - 03:38PM 1: I: A Baby? Yes, Our Baby Signed
This is good - this is definately good! And this is exactly how I see Severus' reaction to the news of him becoming a father! I wanted to try & get this across to star_girl recently in response to her comments about Severus never having/wanting children (but I think I did it rather clumsily!) Severus would definately NOT choose to be a father but if he found himself to be one he would be brilliant! I love the bit where you mention the baby as being the 'fruit of their love'; that's exactly what I see babies as being (in an ideal world of course as not everyone is fortunate enough to feel this way or be in a situation where this is the case.) In Severus' instance I can see his reluctance towards fatherhood in view of his own experience with his own father. But he has to learn (as we all do) that he is his own person and he can move on and change the past. I'm so glad you've decided to do this story as a sequel & also that you've 'recapped' first. I just know I'm going to love it - I'm already hooked!

Author's Response: Yay, I've got you hooked ;-) I've been discussing this issue wit star_girl as well. And I agree with her to some point. I don't think Severus would ever go and say: 'Hey, let's have children.' But if it has already happened, like in this case, I think that he would definitely try to do his best. Fatherhood will scare the shit out of him, but hey, doesn't it do that to every man? ;-) Glad you like the story so far. Hope your health is improving. Cheers. /M

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