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Reviews for A Spy's Fate

sevvy 2008.10.23 - 06:25AM 13: Chapter 13: Stone of Evil Signed
This is such a good story. I'm so glad to see that I'm not the only one who always wishes for a 'happy ending' for our dear old Snapes. I love the 'banter' between you and Trickie Woo - two ladies completely after my own heart! You've managed to sum up the exact reasons/things I (& no doubt countless others) feel about JKR's greatest creation. The comparison between Heathcliffe & all the other 'dark & brooding romantic heros' is exactly spot own & my own thoughts exactly! But I think we all also have to pay homage to Mr. Rickman who has personified this character so completely as to make us feel like this (you don't really get the same depth of character just from reading the books.) I shudder to think what Snape would have been like if the actor Tim Roth had taken the part, as was originally intended. AR was born to play SS!! By the way, I had to smile at the bit in this chapter where Bree finds Severus snoring - completely spoilt my image now!! (I ususally find a sharpe dig in the ribs works on the hubby but, come to think of it, I'd quite happily put up with it if it was Severus next to me!!) Look forward to the next update!

Author's Response: Thanks, sevvy. We do have our fun with our back-and-forths, I'll admit that. It's just nice to converse with someone who has a healthy respect for Snape. I totally agree with you about Alan Rickman. He gives Snape some extra depth than that which is in the books. We can see him in a different light in the movies, as it's not all Harry's pov too. We're more onlookers, than getting the sentiment straight from Harry. Of course, no one is made up of only one emotion, and that is kind of what Snape is portrayed as in most of the books. There are hints of more, but AR really brings those subtle nuances out. Oh, and he was only snoring *lightly* and it was because he was sitting on a couch with his head thrown back. Severus Snape doesn't snore!

Trickie Woo 2008.10.20 - 11:01PM 13: Chapter 13: Stone of Evil Signed
I agree, Ron is a bimbo. When it comes to the Weasley's, Bill and the twins are the most attractive of the bunch. Rowling still hasn't gotten it into her head that because of the way she has written the saga Snape is actually the most important character. The entire saga hinged on whether he was good or bad; but he had to be good for the whole saga to have any real meaning, so that was a foregone conclusion to me. He was the only truly moral character in the story. He confessed his sins to Dumbledore, repented them and spent the rest of his life atoning for them. He was used and abused by both of his masters. Dumbledore used his obssession with guilt over St. Lily's death to get Snape to do whatever he wanted him to do. He used the guilt like a knife in Severus and twisted it when he wanted something done. The Tedious One used and abused Snape for what he though of as fun. Now it's up to fan fic authors to give him some of the good things in life. I love to see him happy and content.

Author's Response: Geez, the more we speak, the more we say the same. I think JKR underestimated the popularity of Snape. His worthless death gave all of us fan fic authors a reason to write, and readers a reason to read. How such a character with such depth and possibilities could just die the way he did, with no one to care about him or his body was the catalyst for, what, 2 SH pages devoted to him and various pairings, (yes, including SS/HG, sorry to bring it up.), and umpteen other sites devoted to him also. Many readers saw his worth and felt he got a raw deal. The fact that both of his 'masters' cared nothing for him in reality makes his life seem even more pointless because of his death. The man deserves redemption, and I think if JKR had let him live, that's exactly what he would have found, be it in the Wizarding world or away from it.

Trickie Woo 2008.10.20 - 02:16PM 13: Chapter 13: Stone of Evil Signed
My idea of a happy ending is Severus survives, gets the girl, and has a very happily ever after. I couldn't care less about what happens to anybody else in the books, since the author couldn't care less about the best character she created. She doesn't seem to realize that in Snape she created a gothic romantic hero on a par with Mr. Rochester and far superior to that pain in the butt, Heathcliff. In fact, I'd put him right up there with my favorite romantic hero, Mr. Darcy. As I've said before, Rowling's conscious ego has never really seen what her subconscious id has created.

Author's Response: Ah, a woman after my own heart! JKR's so blind! What gets me is she seems to be in love with Ron. (?) Go figure that one out! She can have him! I'll take Snape any day. He has a depth that far surpasses any of the other characters, even Harry. Without Snape, the whole series would have fallen flat. He's always been my favorite character.

Rose of the West 2008.10.20 - 09:51AM 13: Chapter 13: Stone of Evil Signed
So she expects to die with Severus knowing what she did but not why? No wonder she was a sobbing mess.

Author's Response: There are a couple of possible ways she could die in this, so, yes, of course she's a sobbing mess. She knows that if she does die, he won't know her motives.

zenobia 2008.10.20 - 03:30AM 13: Chapter 13: Stone of Evil Signed
wow, this is intense. I think she is playing for the other side.

Author's Response: She could be, couldn't she? There will be more clues in the next chapter. Thanks for the review!

Trickie Woo 2008.10.19 - 10:33PM 13: Chapter 13: Stone of Evil Signed
You have stressed to some of us that you have a penchant for happy endings, so I am going to stick with my theories. Severus owes her a life debt from when she saved him from Bellatrx, I think he will save her when he finds her with her magic drained. I still think it all has something to do with draining the magic from the Tedious One. Have you read 'Un Desire Dangereux' on AFF? They drained the Tedious One of all his magic and turned him into a pitiful, ineffectual halfblood squib and went to Azkaban to get the Dementor's kiss. It was beautiful to see that happen. I hope that something like that will happen here too.

Author's Response: I can finally congratulate you in one of your guesses from last chapter. You hit the nail on the head about what the stone could do. I haven't read that fic on AFF, but I will look for it. It sounds great. Any time Voldy gets taken down a peg before death is always a good thing. You are a very positive person! I like that. Hopefully your hopes for a happy ending will come about, because you're right about me and happy endings. But just how happy do they have to be for me? That's the question. There will be more divulged next chapter.

Rose of the West 2008.10.19 - 07:21PM 13: Chapter 13: Stone of Evil Signed
This is going to be so ugly with the stone and all. How is Bree going to avoid having her magic depleted?

Author's Response: Ah, a good question, and one I can actually answer. She can't avoid it, it will drain her too. Which is one of the reasons she doesn't think she'll survive her task.

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