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Reviews for The Lady of the Lake

Jong_Kahn 2010.08.19 - 12:12AM 1: The Lady of the Lake Signed
It's hard to understand how Rowling could have written as fascinating a character study as Snape's, yet have so little proper regard for him. This story's a refreshing change from the canon lack of Snape viewpoint. Thanks so much for writing it.

testingt 2009.12.09 - 08:03PM 1: The Lady of the Lake Signed
Another good one--don't know how I missed it when you first posted. You know, I recently did some research on deer--and while stags/bucks have those showy antlers, they use them only for fights with rivals--they play no role in protecting the young. It's the does who are the protectors.

greenwood 2008.08.26 - 11:40PM 1: The Lady of the Lake Signed
Very nice little insight to that moment in time in the forest of Dean. I loved the introspection Severus gave us. Well done.

Author's Response: Thank you very much indeed. :) I think the Potterverse definitely needs more perspective from Severus! Thanks again. Pearl

Scaranda 2008.08.24 - 10:06PM 1: The Lady of the Lake Signed
That was very nicely done. (That's high praise, by the way, because I actually dislike Lily almost as much as the fact that Severus had a ruddy doe as a Patronus)

Author's Response: LOL! *chuckles at the ruddy doe* I don't dislike Lily personally but am not overly smitten with the way JKR wrote the whole Snape/Lily thing, with Snape perpetually frozen emotionally (per Rowling) in an adolescent obsession. Oh, well. :) He's still an awesome literary creation. :) And I do really like that chapter in the book. It's just so much rewarding to imagine Snape's emotions, isn't it? Rather than be confined to the book's Trio-centric vision. ;) Thanks so much for reading and commenting. :) Pearl

kittylefish 2008.08.24 - 01:05AM 1: The Lady of the Lake Signed
it's lovely to read that scene from snape's pov as you've written it. very moving.

Author's Response: Thank you very much! I'm so glad you enjoyed the story and found it moving. Cheers, Pearl

Lady Whitehart 2008.08.22 - 05:00PM 1: The Lady of the Lake Signed
You captured the emotions of the piece very well.

Author's Response: Thank you so much. :) I do love 'The Silver Doe' chapter but wish very much that we got Snape's POV ... in that particular sequence and in others! Thanks for reading and commenting. :) Pearl

Rose of the West 2008.08.22 - 10:36AM 1: The Lady of the Lake Signed
That's a lovely description of the moment.

Author's Response: Thank you very much indeed. :) Pearl

morgaine_dulac 2008.08.22 - 10:11AM 1: The Lady of the Lake Signed
Very beautiful. And that means something coming from me, because I really don't like that doe. But, YOU did a wonderful job here. /M

Author's Response: I do understand why some Snape fans don't like the doe! (I'm not mega-keen myself on how JKR portays the Snape/Lily thing.) But it is a beautiful image, and I do really like that chapter, so wanted to write something, erm, doe-centric. :D Thanks so much for reading and commenting! :) Pearl

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