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Reviews for Stockholm, 1981-1998

Teddy Radiator 2011.10.05 - 04:14PM 1: Stockholm, 1981-1998 Signed
This is an amazing piece of writing. This was rec'd through LJ's One_Bad_man community, and I can see why the person recommended it so highly. I am not a fan of Dumbledore and not especially of Severus!slash, but I can see this all so clearly. Dumbledore's manipulation of poor Severus' loyalties and feelings of guilt and lack of worth are despicable and so true to canon. This is not an easy fic to read, but it felt like a penance for poor Severus, who, by the time Narcissa gets him, has been so brainwashed by Dumbledore he is past all hope. Albus did his job too well. Beautifully rendered, and heartbreaking to the end. He deserved better. I guess that's why we fanfic authors are trying so hard to give him a better ever after. Thank you for this moving, moving story.

atheneblue 2009.03.15 - 08:24AM 1: Stockholm, 1981-1998 Signed
Twisted and disturbing, but oh so in keeping with DH (I think). Bravo!

cardigrl 2008.08.19 - 07:19PM 1: Stockholm, 1981-1998 Signed
Brilliant! Creepy and horrible to contemplate, but absolutely brilliant.

testingt 2008.08.13 - 07:46PM 1: Stockholm, 1981-1998 Signed
I did catch the title's reference, and you make a chilling case. Nice work.

Pearl Took 2008.08.13 - 05:12PM 1: Stockholm, 1981-1998 Signed
Oh my. This particular pairing is not one I would normally read but your story is so very effective and so very chilling. I choose not to see Canon Albus as quite this dark but by heavens he has the potential. Very well done indeed. Poor Severus. :(

morgaine_dulac 2008.08.11 - 02:47AM 1: Stockholm, 1981-1998 Signed
That manipulative old man! Grr! But I very much like your idea about the Stockholm syndrome and thank you for sharing it. /M

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