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Reviews for Orion's Pointer

star_girl 2008.08.08 - 05:13PM 41: Chapter Forty-One—Indenture Signed
Once again, just wonderful! You swing between making me laugh out loud and having me totally riveted. And as snippy and snide as Snape is, he just can't help being good can he? The allusions to his "trouser basilisk" and the dormant lothario within is inspired, I hope we get to hear more of what's written in the girls toilets in the Ravenclaw common room ;)

Author's Response: Glad you're enjoying it. Sometimes it's just too much fun to write.

Rose of the West 2008.08.06 - 04:27PM 41: Chapter Forty-One—Indenture Signed
I just discovered this story. It's very interesting and it's got me guessing. I look forward to the next bit. I think I only saw one glaring grammatical error in 41 chapters (where I had to go back and re-read the sentence), so you and your beta have done an excellent job, on that, too.

Author's Response: Thanks. I'm very fortunate to have the beta I have. I accept blame for ALL errors. Are you able to tell me what the error is so I can go back and fix it?

Circle_of_Echoes 2008.08.05 - 06:01PM 41: Chapter Forty-One—Indenture Signed
You haven't lost me. You'll never lose me. This story is what I keep coming back for. I have not a clue where to start or what to pick out as a high point, because there are too many of them. Perhaps just a couple... Chara's very homely view of herself as an unwashed, un-toothbrushed patient; a tiny thing, but it had such a sense of reality to it. ''Old, squashed, and smelly.'' Yep. You hit it right on the head. And Snape as an ambitious trainee healer... When I read your description, I kept thinking in terms of medical schools where it's often said, ''He'll make one heck of a brilliant medical researcher, but he'll be equally awful as a clinician who deals with the living. Too bad (as all medical students are) he has to be trained as a clinician first. Pity the poor patients.'' Not to mention that Snape was far more brilliant than the people doing the training, but without the social or diplomatic skills he needed to balance it out. That's a guaranteed way to have your life turned upside down. Take as long as you need to finish this story, just as long as you don't abandon it!!!!

Author's Response: Ah, hooray! Thanks so much! No, I won't ever abandon the story. It just seems to get harder and harder lately to get the time to write it, though.

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