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Reviews for To Do All in my Power

kittylefish 2008.05.14 - 07:48PM 6: Potter's Son Signed
this was another amazing chapter. your whole analysis of the dynamic between them was eye-opening. i loved how you imagined snape deliberately engineering harry getting his potions text, which in light of other events, does not seem at all unreasonable. and the notion that snape TRUSTED harry on some level. you make a very compelling case. i'm so happy work has stayed slow this afternoon, as i am off to read the next!

Author's Response: It was my friend Jon who pointed out that Snape had to have either engineered it himself or allowed it (the gig would have been up otherwise as soon as Sluggy said something in the staffroom about Harry's winning the Felix). At first I resisted the idea, and then when I let it sink in, my whole idea of how Severus REALLY viewed Harry changed.... Severus, of course, would have died before admitting that he wanted Harry's trust and admiration, had it not been for his potion. The interesting thing is JKR seemed to have put more in that she herself was willing to notice.... but I think maybe she, like Severus and Harry, is not always self-aware.

MW Waters 2008.04.20 - 10:40PM 6: Potter's Son Signed
I've finally caught up on your story and am really enjoying your insights into Snape's character. Keep up the good work!

Author's Response: Thanks! I sidetracked to add another story, COMPLETELY different, but there are two more chapters and an epilogue coming up.

Trickie Woo 2008.04.14 - 08:54PM 6: Potter's Son Signed
You raised points in this chapter that I never realized, that there actually was a deeply hidden bond of trust between Snape and Harry. I don't think Rowling realized that herself even though she wrote it that way. I've said it before and I must say it again, her conscious mind has no idea of what her unconscious mind has written inbetween the lines. She created the most Byronic and romantic character in well over 100 years and never saw it. Her ego has no idea of who or what her id is.

Author's Response: Actually it was my friend Jon who pointed out that Snape had to have either engineered, or been in on, Harry's getting his Potions text. When I thought about the implications of that, and of how Harry instinctively responds to Snape when Snape isn't stage-managing Harry's reaction (ie the Prince and the patronus), well, it started to fall into place. But it would take a REALLY powerful potion to make Snape admit it, even to himself--you know what he thinks of fools who wear their hearts on their sleeves. Agree with you on your comments on JKR, by the way--in fact I just said something similar in my review of Xenasquill's chapter on Draco. But then that gap between what JKR wrote and what she seemed to have intended--and the corresponding unfinished business in her stories--is what got me writing anyhow, so I suppose I should be grateful.

tigerlily2 2008.04.12 - 11:31PM 6: Potter's Son Signed
Good chapter! Thank you very much!

Author's Response: Glad you're enjoying it--hope you continue to do so.

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