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Reviews for To Do All in my Power

Trickie Woo 2008.04.14 - 03:24PM 4: House Rivalries Signed
I've never understood the house system in British boarding/public/private schools. I don't know if there is there is antagonistic rivalry between the houses in any British schools. In the Potter books the antagonism was actually encouraged at Hogwarts. I wondered from the beginning why Dumbledore never bothered with inter house bonding and cooperation. If he had done that, especially between Slytherin and each of the other houses, things probably wouldn't have gotten to this point. Except for the born bigots like Bellatrix, there would be pool of Slytherin recruits to supply "He Who I Find Most Tiresome's" need for an Army of Death Eaters. He would have no power base and a megalomaniac without a power base would be cosidered insane. He would have ended up in Azkaban being kissed by his dementor friends. Tradition has it's own very important place and function, but the tradition of antagonism between the houses is a bad tradition that should have been dropped as soon as DD became headmaster.

Author's Response: I don't pretend (and certainly don'' pretend to exploit!!) the British House system. Suffice for going on with, that I think DD could have stopped the problem (SS) decades ago, and she really could have ecouraged at the end.

tigerlily2 2008.04.06 - 01:33AM 4: House Rivalries Signed
Loving this! Very clever!

Author's Response: Glad you're enjoying...

Nadrek 2008.03.31 - 08:29AM 4: House Rivalries Signed
Leaving a letter to the Centaurs is an interesting take. The Centaurs, I suspect, wouldn't bother to tell any wizards or witches, either, which would, at this time, result in Severus's deliberate forethought in protecting students prior to his actual appointment as Headmaster completely unknown by living humans. The two portraits, of course, though Albus might well keep the credit himself, and Phineas might not be so well received outside of Slytherin. Within Slytherin, though... is it better to keep Severus's machinations secret, and if so, for how many centuries?

Author's Response: I think that we're seeing the evolution of Snape's reaction (15 years ago he insisted that D. promise to keep S's reactions totally secret; over time this became a war secret; now, I think, he'd rather like it to be known--if he could reveal it without cost to anyone else). I don't think Snape has recognized his attitude has shifted: privacy above all!! is his banner, and has always been. Except, oops, now it's not. Severus still doesn't expect--or wish-- that anyone give him anything after he's thought lost.

johnbly341 2008.03.29 - 07:45PM 4: House Rivalries Signed
Outstanding! I really enjoy the inner workings of Snape's mind, the manipulations and the plotting and planning.

Author's Response: I wrote this back in August after DH had been published, but thought no one would be interested in Severus Snape's private, er, manipulations and plottings and plannings. Thank you! If you ARE interested, you'll get more.

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