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Reviews for Yggdrasil

mary_J_59 2006.04.18 - 01:01AM 1: One-shot Signed
absolutely wonderful! I have been bothered by Sirius and this 'incident' in exactly the same way you are, but you express it in such intense and poetic language.

KarenDetroit 2005.11.15 - 10:10AM 1: One-shot Signed
The parallels that you point out in action, place and people are quite insightful--I had never noticed them before, but they are valid, and add more depth to Prisoner of Askaban than it had (and it should have had that depth; JKR missed out on being great there). Many of the significant plot points in her work seem to drown in the minutia of red herrings and Harry's obliviousness. I wonder if you couldn't convert this to an essay and submit it to the Harry Potter Lexicon--I think it would advance the thoughtful folk in their analysis and comprehension. Sometimes I feel quite cross with Rowling on just that point. She lets a lot of golden opportunities evaporate.

Trickie Woo 2005.08.27 - 02:18AM 1: One-shot Signed
Sirius really was an SOB, wasn't he. Your Author's Note reminds me he was worse than I thought. I learned about the Chosen Man in the Sharpe books, with their white bads on the arm of their green 95th Rifles uniforms. It brought to mind that Snape has a lot in common with Richard Sharpe. Both are outsiders, castigated by their so-called peers, but they are both superior to them. They both face more danger than anyone else and costantly risk their lives to prove themselves, but Sharpe, at least, had Sgt. Harper and the chosen men on his side, and he had Wellington for his Dumbledore. Snape always seems like the Forlorn Hope. Will he ever get the credit he deserves, and if he does will he be alive to see it?

Author's Response: There are actually some excuses to be made for Sirius e.g. he must have been pretty mentally-distuirbed after 12 years in Azkaban, and, as with Draco, it would be difficult for someone from such an exceedingly Dark family background to turn out very nice. And he is very, very childish, so it may well be that he knows he should feel guilty about having tried to kill a classmate, but he's going "Shan't" and trying to justify his behaviour by convincing himself his hatred was right.

But basically, he's a thug, who should have been sent to a juvenile prison and put under the care of a psychiatrist when he tried to kill a classmate. Whether or not there are extenuating circumstances, and whether or not he's really evil, his behaviour is massively *wrong* and yet everybody seems to think that because he's debonair and handsome it's OK for him to beat up the plain, spiky guy.

The Sharpe books cheat a bit on the concept of the Chosen Man by having them together in a group, when in reality they were scattered singly through other units. It was a kind of promition-by-merit at a time when probably most promotions were simply bought. So it was the only way for a poor but able man, like Sharpe and like Snape, to get recognition.

And yes, poor old Snape is an even more Forlorn Hope than ever, now, because whether he's killed Dumbledore or whether he's just helped Dumbledore fake his own death, he's now stuck at Voldemort's side 24/7 without a friend or support or a bolthole. Someone on the net has pointed out that when Trelawney prophesied that "The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches" Snape was at that moment outside the door, approaching - so I suspect that offing Voldemort will be a team effort between him and Harry. But whether the poor sap will survive it is another matter. :( I really, really hope he does - but am terrified that he won't.

Verity Brown 2005.08.22 - 11:34PM 1: One-shot Signed
I noticed the problem with the Marauder's Map, but it didn't bother me enough to mention it. Fixing it would probably be a good idea, though. "Supposed to be writing" sounds like a contract. If you have something published out there, I'd love to know about it. I also hope we get to see this poem--it sounds like you're onto something.

Author's Response: I've fixed the problem with the map - I only had to tweak three paragraphs.

I've never been published, except in a local university poetry mag. - though I've won a couple of moderately prestigious awards for poetry. At one point the Literary Editor of the Sunday Telegraph (where I used to be a secretary) was touting my poems round various editors and they all said "It's great - but not really our sort of thing." Modern poetry is mostly supposed to be about love and politics, and if - as I do - you write poems about continental drift and the evolution of birds, or a verse novel about the Wars of the Roses, there isn't much market for it.

I haven't got a contract - but I do have good contacts. I was Andre Norton's very last pet protegé and her assistant has promised to trot me round all the right agents when the first book is finished!

The poem about Snape will have the repeat refrain "Turn the dark mind to the light, turn the light mind to the dark again" - but unfortunately that and the first bit is about all I've got so far.

Author's Response: PS To my mind one of the greatest tragedies about young Severus and the Marauders is that if they hadn't been so blindly prejudiced against him, it's clear from the humorous hexes etc. which he invented that he would have made a far better, more ingeniuus and gallivanting member of the gang than Pettigrew did - and infinitely more loyal.

Verity Brown 2005.08.21 - 09:46PM 1: One-shot Signed
Oh gosh, this is *so* good! I am simply in awe. It's not often that an author manages to take what we already know and put those facts together in a way that is new...and yet seems almost *obvious* upon consideration--how could we have been so blind? I had that reaction *repeatedly* as I was reading this story. Between that and the interweaving of the Norse mythology and the wonderfully creepy song, "The Bold Maurader," I had chills down my spine. I hope you write more stories here! I'm very, very impressed.

Author's Response: thanks. I'm blushing - or at least grinning like an idiot - because that's high praise indeed from the author of A Merciless Affection!

I'm not going to be able to do *very* much fanfic because I am currently playing hooky from the straight SF trilogy which I am supposed to be writing (and of which I am currently a third of the way through the first book). But I have the beginnings of an odd little poem about the mental games which Snape plays in order to maintain his cover, beginning "I being here in two minds and neither of them//I fear//Entirely right...", and I am two thirds of the way through a novella called Mood Music, which is about the shamanic uses of song and involves Snape and an OC shaman being hunted through Chislehurst Caves (20+ miles of 8,000-year-old chalk-mine) by the Death Eaters and ending up turning the tables and stalking them right back and double. The first two chapters are in validation at the moment (it will probably have eight chapters of which, perversely, I've written nos 1, 2, 7 & 8).

There's also a portrait - called India-ink on ivory - in validation on the Illusions list.

I've actually had to make minor changes to Yggdrasil because I realized - from a comment in GoF - that the Marauders' Map doesn't extend as far as the Shrieking Shack so Snape couldn't actually have seen for certain that Harry and co. were with Sirius. But given his general level of paranoia about Harry I think it's a fair bet that as soon as he saw Lupin running down that tunnel he would have checked to see if Harry was still within the school (i.e. visible on the map), found that he wasn't and feared the worst - and when he found the Invisibility Cloak abamdoned by the tunnel mouth he would have been sure of it.

132possum 2005.08.21 - 03:58AM 1: One-shot Signed
Excellent stuff, I second Mouse's comments. (I like Mouse's stuff very much)

Author's Response: She's great, isn't she? I especially like "Care of Dark Creatures."

Black Spot 2005.08.20 - 12:53AM 1: One-shot Signed
An excellent point of view, exactly as I would have imagined Snape would of thought. Thank you.

Author's Response: Thanks. It's that complicated little four-way dance between duty, self-knowledge, malice and the sulks which makes him such an interesting character to write :)

mouse 2005.08.18 - 11:36AM 1: One-shot Anonymous
A brilliant interpretation of one of my favourite scenes in the books - the Shrieking Shack. You make me sympathetic to Snape in entirely new ways, and capture his mindset so carefully and convincingly. This is a specatcular little one-shot! Excellent work!

Author's Response: Why, thank you! That's very pleasing, since you are one of my three favourite writers on Occlumency (along with Zhaneraal and Verity Brown) (and one of my favouirite artists - I especially love the surly uncute 11-year-old Snape you drew).

My beta, who is both an actor, a psychologist and from Derbyshire, kept saying to me "Yes, that's a valid point but it still sounds like you thinking it, not Snape" and made me fiddle and fiddle with the language until it sounded as if you could think it in a surly northern accent :)

Author's Response: PS I take it as a very great compliment that you say I made you sympathize with Snape in new ways - since you've explored his character so thoroughly and so convincingly yourself.

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