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Reviews for Kindness

Silverthreads 2005.08.02 - 08:58PM 1: Kindness Signed
I like this sad and strange interlude. I like the the woman is neither a girl nor obviously pretty. She's a woman and she's had hard times.

Author's Response: I'm glad that both of those came across. While this was originally a story to show that Snape wasn't truly evil, but still keeping him in canon, I found myself enjoying writing in the speaker's voice.

SPK 2005.08.02 - 08:16PM 1: Kindness Signed
I thoroughly enjoyed this story. Your female character is intriguing and I really liked your portrayal of Snape. I don't know if you plan to do a sequel or prequel, but it would be interesting to read more about these two characters together.

Author's Response: At this time, it's still firmly a oneshot. My heart belongs to 'Ashen and Sober Skies' right now, and I'm not inclined to start anything longer than a oneshot while that is still hanging over my head.

It would be kind of interesting to see where this goes, wouldn't it?

mouse 2005.08.02 - 07:37PM 1: Kindness Signed
I like this, very much. It is an odd little story, but very fitting. Sad and cold and poignant. This is great.

Author's Response: Thank you! Admittedly, my oneshots tend to appeal to a minority who happen to like their fics dark and slightly odd, but I'm always glad when those who read them review. :)

phoenix 2005.08.02 - 06:48PM 1: Kindness Signed
That is definitely an odd little story. I can see something like that happening. It fits in very well with the practical Severus, especially that he wouldn't tell her his name.

Author's Response: Thank you. I was striving to keep Snape in-canon as much as possible while never really touching on whether he was evil or not. Personally, I don't think he is, not really, but I'm in a decided minority.

Verity Brown 2005.08.02 - 05:43PM 1: Kindness Signed
This is wonderful! She's a squib, I assume? And we don't even know her name. Such a splendid, dark little piece.

Please don't go changing "Ashen and Sober Skies" on account of HBP. It's a wonderful story, and canon would only mess it up. I hope you start posting it again soon!

Author's Response: Thank you! And yes, my nameless protagonist is, in fact, a squib.

I think I've decided to pretend that HBP never happened for the purposes of 'Skies'. It's easier on me that way, as there are currently 22 chapters written. :)

Oh, dear. I (still) have an email sitting in my inbox from you, don't I? Hopefully I'll be doing email clean up tomorrow. :)

Melvacaea 2005.08.02 - 02:51PM 1: Kindness Signed
It's interesting. I really do love all these one-shots of what Severus does after he flees Hogwarts (and I intend to be most of them -- bwaha! Or not. Whatever. I drank too much coffee). Er, anyway, this was quite good. I loved it very much and I like your character. She seems Slytherin. -Mel

Author's Response: Thank you. I ended up liking the character, too, although she started out as being little more than a half imagined voice in my head. :)

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