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Reviews for The Great Snape-Deveroux Grudge Match - Part III: Farewell

LESIA 2005.06.28 - 04:17PM 9: 47b. Regrets Signed
More story, more suffering for the trio, especially Ron. The big git.

Author's Response: We're working on it, and trust me, your wish will be granted in terms of "more suffering"

mrs_bristow 2005.06.23 - 02:28PM 9: 47b. Regrets Anonymous
omg i just read all three parts of this story in like two days!!! i'm supposed to be revising but i just had to finish it up to where you had written. its the most fantastic thing ever and i cant wait for an update. oh please let there be one soon andplease let snape be ok. i love him soooo much. P.S. whats the hatred for familiars and owls?!?!?! Trevor, Rasputin and now even Venator's been murdered!! poor creatures!

Author's Response: Two days *is awed* Wow! Thank you! And sorry about the animal deaths. No more animals will die for the rest of Grudge Match *blush*

Kurisutaru Yun 2005.06.20 - 10:58PM 9: 47b. Regrets Signed
I read the other all of the story so far, and I must say, you're a very good author. I hope you continue ^_^

Author's Response: Thank you! We're writing away!

greenwood 2005.06.20 - 12:43AM 9: 47b. Regrets Signed
I had to take a double-take when I saw this story tiitle on the list! AT LONG LAST!!!! Your stroy continues to progress with it's great plot unfolding page by page. These last two chapters have been wonderful and pull us in closer and closer to the pain the characters are feeling. The last scene with Severus feeding on Venator was so sad (I am glad that Aurellia was not "seeing" through his eyes at that time!) Poor Aurellia she is such a mess. Now she is closer to finding out where Severus is and will, no doubt, go to find him. OHHHH I can't wait for a new update (I can only hope for sooner updates!) Thanks for keeping the story going 10++++

Author's Response: Thank you as always! We're working away at the next chapter, Flowers for Deveroux. Still tweaking a fairly new scene.

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