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Reviews for Ashen and Sober Skies

Owlbait 2005.06.09 - 06:23AM 7: Six - Somnia Aperio Signed
waiting with bated breath to find out more...

Author's Response: Coming soon, I promise!

June W 2005.06.09 - 02:45AM 7: Six - Somnia Aperio Signed
Night-haunt - creepy.... Something that should be taught to healers and medi-witches! Will Sibyll put in an appearance later? Please update faster!

Author's Response: Night-haunts are so incredibly rare that they aren't generally taught - in fact, there are only a few recorded cases of them. And I'm updating every couple of days, generally when my beta has given everything a last look-over.

Marisa 2005.06.09 - 01:21AM 7: Six - Somnia Aperio Anonymous
Great cliffhanger! I can't wait to see what exactly is going on in Severus' mind after all the trauma he's been through. The night-haunt you described sounds really creepy as well.

Author's Response: Creepy was the desired effect, so go me! In other news, thank you for your review. I get a warm and fuzzy feeling every time I see one. :)

Verity Brown 2005.06.08 - 10:54PM 7: Six - Somnia Aperio Signed
"Honestly, you’d think you didn’t know what your wand was for." What a subtle humorous touch, something that's been much needed in this dark story. So now, at last, they may find out what's going on. Whew.

Author's Response: I occasionally try to sneak them in when no one is looking. :) Besides, I couldn't resist the thought of Dumbledore wrestling with an unwieldy object while a perfectly good method of handling it was in sight - or in teeth.

twice1203 2005.06.07 - 12:00AM 1: Prologue: Into the Depths Signed
I have to say that normally I hate this dark and dreary stuff but you've written this very well! I hate seeing Severus in so much pain. You're story is very realistic and you've done a great job on it!

Author's Response: Well, thank you very much. I actually really like those compliments of "Normally I hate this, but..." It gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling inside. Don't worry, though - things do improve for our protagonist. :)

greenwood 2005.06.06 - 01:29PM 6: Five - Interlude Signed
The only joy of being home sick is to be able to indulge in my one little "sin" - reading Severus fan fic! This chapter was well done and fills in the unknown beginning well. I suspect Severus is remembering this and that is why we see it now. My only wonder was why the scene is done in red and gold (known to be Gryffindor colors) and not green and silver? Or is this a clue to something - some miss information in Severus' mind or you just decided to buck the prevaling trend that everyone seems to picture (I'm OK with that too).

Author's Response: Would that I only had one little sin, and that snape-fic was the worst of them! As for the red and gold, mostly I was just bucking the trend of deep, dark, dank dungeons and green and silver slytherin colors. The first iteration of this chapter had green and silver, but it didn't feel right - it didn't match the picture I had in my head. Besides, when you have bleeding prisoners hanging from meat hooks on your ceiling, you don't want the decor to clash. :)

Verity Brown 2005.06.05 - 11:41PM 6: Five - Interlude Signed
Oh gosh...how did Voldemort *know*? How long had he known? What a horrifying position to be in, for Severus. Oooo, I was shuddering!

Author's Response: As awful as it is, yay for shuddering! It means I'm doing well. :-) As for Voldemort, who knows how he knew? Voldemort is tricky that way.

LariLee 2005.06.05 - 10:25PM 6: Five - Interlude Signed
Oh man, poor Severus going in... this is harsh, but I'm glad we know he was rescued and I hope they can save him.

Author's Response: The main theme of this story is redemption. Take that as you will.

June W 2005.06.05 - 10:17PM 6: Five - Interlude Signed
Urgh, now that's a memory I'd like to put in a Pensieve and forget. Did those dangling prisoners get rescued, since they weren't in the dungeons? Is Malfoy dead? Sigh.... I'm not sure if I get the timeline right - Chapter 3/2 says Ten months since the time that Snape disappeared and Voldemort died, and more than a month before the dungeons were investigated after the last battle. So this battle that Voldemort is talking about in this chapter - did it take place? Did Voldemort die in the last battle a month before Severus was found, or ten months ago? Severus was a prisoner for about nine or ten months before Voldemort died?

Author's Response: Timeline issues are intentionally vague. I've been discussing with my beta whether or not we should leave them vague, or try to explain them better. Currently, we're leaving them vague, as they are not terribly important to the story itself.

Grainne 2005.06.05 - 02:39PM 5: Four - Tea Signed
I've been entranced by the way you've "broken," Snape, and now am curious to see how you will put him back together (if he CAN be put back together). I appreciate the way you've developed Minerva, Pomfrey, and Dumbledore's characters by showing us their reactions to Snape. Lovely.

Author's Response: Well, thank you! Expect to see a lot more of Minerva and Poppy - they've definitely become two of the stars of this show, and updates are happening every couple of days. :)

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