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Reviews for A Merciless Affection

gejsza44 2006.08.05 - 09:13AM 14: Turn Around and Face Your Fate Signed
“Professor McGonagall, I don’t want to marry him.”, that is what Sarah said, she also stated that it is not love what she feels thinking about Snape, so I cannot help but wonder WHY she wants to keep a baby ????? I keep reading :)

gejsza44 2006.08.04 - 09:18AM 4: No Second Thoughts Signed
It is great !!!!!!!!!!!! Yet I wonder why he is keeping this "clear crystal" in his bedroom...... ;)

MsAvi 2006.07.21 - 04:34PM 55: I Don't Want Any Part in This Plot Signed
Coming back to read a new chapter in this fic is like taking a first breath of fresh air after a long journey trapped in the bowels of a garbage barge. Thanks for that. :)

LunaSnape 2006.07.08 - 10:20PM 55: I Don't Want Any Part in This Plot Signed
Ok. Firstly thank you for updating, it was a pleasure to see this again. I know it is more work for you but after a dry spell in the beginning of the A/N can you just re-hit the main events from the last couple of chappy's, Just because people like me (i.e. stupid people with a two year olds memory) have to re-read them whole because I can't remember. I know that i really liked your story and the underlying plot is still in my head I just need a quick refresher. I know I sound like I'm complaining but i'm not I just like the story and hate geting stuff confused *LS* I really hope you don't think i'm the worst person in the world now, I'm going to go cry in the corner now

Author's Response: Sorry, Luna! That thought did actually go through my mind, but I thought that there was enough discussion of the events in the previous chapter to remind people, so I didn't. But I know what it is to have memory issues, so no worries! So, a short summary of the past few chapters: Sarah's Aunt Portia was murdered just before the end of the school year. Sarah and Severus returned to Knockturn Alley, where they found out that their old enemy, Connor, was after Snape. We have a version of Spinner's End in which Sarah's presence makes a tremendous difference. Sarah (who is pretending to be Miriam's cousin) and Severus are formally and publically married. And they have a little chat with Voldie, who finds out about Sarah's pregnancy, orders Sarah to give the baby to her cousin Chester Nott to foster, and extracts an Unbreakable Vow from her Aunt Fiona not to harm the baby. And that's where we are. I hope that helps!

MithLuin 2006.07.08 - 10:55AM 55: I Don't Want Any Part in This Plot Signed
The reason there are not LV Jr.s running around is because LV is interested in personal immortality, not living on in his progeny. But I am relieved that he will not express any of *that* interest in Sarah, poor girl! I also agree that Snape shone in DADA - knowing more curses than most 7th years when he arrived at Hogwarts had to count for something. My guess is that while he excelled in Potions, Lily Evans was the star of the class, and therefore outshone him. (At least in Sluggy's eyes, if not in reality). So, the end of this story is in sight....interesting. I like how you've been restructuring HBP to fit ;) I will be patient, because that means I get to enjoy your story longer :)

Author's Response: I agree that Voldie isn't interested in having progeny--that can be so messy, when your son decides your immortality is standing in the way of *him* taking power. But usually it isn't progeny that a teenage boy is thinking about when a pretty girl decides to join him in that abandoned classroom. And JKR did assert that there was no possibility of a LV Jr out there. (Ack...a plot bunny just ran past!) Thanks for reviewing, MithLuin!

Aiden 2006.07.07 - 08:32AM 55: I Don't Want Any Part in This Plot Signed
Terrific chapter as always and well worth waiting for. I like the idea that SS's best subject was the dark arts, rather than potions. Interesting too is the notion that the phoenix is his patronus: very appropriate given the course of his life (by which I mean his "redemption" after leaving the Voldemort). And I do like the cat and its very cat-like reaction to Snape. On a personal note, I hope RL proves a bit easier from this point!

Author's Response: Thanks, Aiden! I have always got the impression--who knows from where--that Snape feels that he *deserves* the DADA job. Certainly, from what little we see in HBP, he is excellent at teaching it. It made sense for there to be a very good reason why he would feel that way about the post--*and* a believable reason why Voldie would send him, of all his DEs, to try to get the position for spying purposes. As for r/l...I just keep telling myself: September is coming! Then we'll get to shut down the summer business, send the kids all back to school, and I'll be teaching a once-a-week full-semester night class instead of a three-mornings-a-week summer-term class. Life *ought* to settle down a bit. *crosses fingers*

lurking vodou girl 2006.07.07 - 02:19AM 55: I Don't Want Any Part in This Plot Signed
Woot! Finally, another chapter. Too short ._. but still, another chapter. The next one should be fifty pages long -- honestly! I really liked how you worked Sarah and Snape into HBP; the Slughorn bit sounded really . . . realistic. I could totally see how an apprentice (especially Sarah) would make him uneasy about the teaching position. It work good o_o; Oh! And I like the kitty n_n Well, you have satisfied my hungers for the time being. But I demand further satisfaction! *Holds out bowl* More pweeze.

Author's Response: More gruel? ;~) I'll do my best. Thanks for reviewing!

Wiccan 2006.07.06 - 10:50PM 55: I Don't Want Any Part in This Plot Signed
I just found your story yesterday...and a rotten day it was! I truly needed an escape from reality and you gave me just what I needed. For some reason (the insanity of my day?) I thought it was completed. Now, I find, I have to wait, like the rest of the world, for more!....AARRGGGHHH! Oh well, I will take my place in line and look forward to updates. A story this good, though, deserves a full read through and I will do that, once again, when you finish...Not too soon, I hope.

Author's Response: Yay, a new reader! I'm glad my story was able to help with your rotten day. And I hope today was better! As I keep telling my husband (who wants to know when I'll be done with this story), less than ten chapters. I think. Last summer, that would have been a couple of months' writing. Now...who knows. *sighs* Thanks so much for reviewing, Wiccan!

BradyB66 2006.07.06 - 02:22PM 55: I Don't Want Any Part in This Plot Signed
Welcome back! I'm glad you're doing well at your new address. I spent last week moving and I kept thinking to myself "It's no wonder Cee hasn't been able to update!" Moving stinks, no matter how you look at it. That being said, it was so nice to see a new chapter. You may have written it bit by bit, in fits and starts, but it still flows seamlessly as do all your chapters. Since it will be a while before the next update, I guess I'll just have to read the whole story again to refresh my memory! (Oh the sacrifices I make . . .)

Author's Response: Thanks, BradyB66! I appreciate the review...and the sacrifice. ;~) I hope you move went well!

Slytheringurl 2006.07.05 - 10:46PM 55: I Don't Want Any Part in This Plot Signed
Another chapter, good as always I hope the next chapter shall have more action and the death of Dumbledore's. I wonder how your point of view of Snape's emotions and such will be but only ig you add it. Sarah....a young age and so many problems. I get dizzy even thinking sbout it. Good job on this chapter and I will always be looking for anupdate :) Another ten for you.

Author's Response: Awww, thanks, Slytheringurl! :~)

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