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Reviews for Making Ends Meet

Trickie Woo 2005.04.14 - 11:34PM 27: The Family Tree Signed
Jehovah's Witnesses badger the Wizarding World too. They must be everywhere, they even went door to door in the US Army housing area where we lived in Germany passing out copies of Der Wacht Turn. We thought they would pass us by because we live on the top floor and there were no elavators in the buildings, but they do perservere. I think the only place I didn't come across them was when we were stationed in Yorkshire, but I'm sure there must be some there somewhere.I didn't enjoy Leticia's visit but I did enjoy Minerva's. Her sense of time=ing was so very bad.

Author's Response: Argh, Jehovah's Witnesses! It always appears that, just as you are about to sit down and have a nice cup of tea, you see a man and a woman, holding a clipboard, walking up the path to a house on the other side of the road. For some reason, you always know that there is going to be another couple in the garden next to yours, ready to ambush you... Glad you liked Minerva's badl-timed visit!

HPFan 2005.02.03 - 05:10PM 27: The Family Tree Signed
That was hilarious! I like Snape like this. Minerva seemed kinda amused about the situation.Keep updating!! :)

Author's Response: Lol, thanks. Well, you have to see the funny side of things - much to Severus' horror! I'll try to update over the weekend, but life's pretty busy at the moment! Thanks for reviewing!

Grainne 2005.01.24 - 09:30PM 27: The Family Tree Signed
Oh no, you DIDN'T! Snape is ticklish? Obadiah, Obadiah--how do you keep taking the Snape I know and turning him into someone so darn loveable? It's that Rosie bird, isn't it? This chapter had so many funny lines/scenes, but "You know, I think I might just leave the whole making up with evil family members thing until next year." and (re: Oliver Twist) "Severus looked at her, deciding that this was something that he had no knowledge of, and that he desired no knowledge of, either." were especially fabulous. Have a great week!

Author's Response: I know, I know, I'm turning him into such a cute little man. Next chapter: Severus cuts his hair short, dyes it blond and decides to give Harry a break... Even Obadiah couldn't be that ridiculous... Thank you so much for your review! Have a good week, too!

Melpomene Erato 2005.01.23 - 07:32PM 27: The Family Tree Anonymous
House guests... having to read the chapter four paragraphs at a time... time enough to review with six words...

Need I say more?

Now in the *bathroom* I can review more carefully. It seems that Snape is an entirely different person now. He really depends emotionally on Rosie and it's almost as if *she* is holding all the cards now instead of him. It's really touching!

Please update soon!

Author's Response: In the *bathroom*?? Lol. Thanks for the analysis! I wanted Severus to be more emotionally dependent on Rosie; hopefully not to an extreme extent, but enough for him to realise that he really does need her a great deal. As the title says, Rosie is helping to make all his loose ends meet. Thanks, Melpomene!

Melpomene Erato 2005.01.23 - 03:57PM 27: The Family Tree Anonymous
I thought he was too controlled with his sister :(

Author's Response: Oh no! A sad face?? *sobs* Did you want him to do a Maximus on her?! I'm sorry, but that just wasn't going to happen. She's his sister, and to my Severus that means something. She carries a sort of authoritarian presence, and to me Severus just kind of puts up with her, despite what he thinks of her. He didn't let her walk all over him though - and that's all that matters. Maybe Rosie's having a diplomatic effect on him.

Sniv 2005.01.23 - 10:02AM 27: The Family Tree Signed
Phew quite many things are going on in this chapter. Minerva poor woman! LOL And Leticia *slaps her* But I would be extra careful because her treat seems quite real!!! A great and wonderful update!

Author's Response: Lol! I had great fun getting Minerva into that chapter. The poor poor woman! It seems a lot of people want to slap Leticia (myself included). Cheers, Sniv!

LariLee 2005.01.22 - 11:33AM 27: The Family Tree Signed
Leticia is a bit... okay, she's a bitch. I dearly loved Minerva's poor timing (makes you wonder how long she had been there, though). Nicely done! Shame though we can't annialate Sev's family.

Author's Response: Cheers, m'dear! It would be nice to see the entire Snape family - except Sev, of course - disappear in a puff of smoke! Who knows, perhaps they will... Hey, that's an idea... *scribbles furiously* Thanks, Lisa!

aramintasnape 2005.01.22 - 10:55AM 27: The Family Tree Signed
God, what an utter bitch his sister is! I could just slap her! I like the mention of the photo of Severus and his mother, and the part with Minerva was hysterical! I think Severus needs to put an Obscuring charm on the fireplace, lol!

Author's Response: :-D Hurah! You hate Leticia! Lol. When I was writing her, I dearly wanted something dreadful to happen to her; it's a pity I'm trying to make the plot seem plausible, really. That kind of thing never seems to happen to people you hate - no matter how much they deserve it!! Lol. Glad you liked Minerva's sudden appearance ... ;-D

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