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Reviews for Highly Improbable

Clancy Norgard 2005.04.08 - 07:21PM 3: The Very Thought Of You Anonymous
I happen to like Diet Dr. Pepper and oatmeal you toad! With a name like Pinkcorsair you shouldn't be talking to anyone about taste. You sound like a gay pirate. "Harrr me maties, does anyone have any lube?"

Author's Response: LOL! That's the first time one of my characters has responded to one of my reviewers. Thanks for reviewing, Pink, er, Clancy!

pinkcorsair 2005.04.08 - 06:58PM 3: The Very Thought Of You Signed
Diet Dr. Pepper and oatmeal? "YUCK with a capital YUCK" I rather drink fresh bile than that swill. She need to switch to something more decent like Diet cherry 7up. But not with oatmeal. Orange juice, coffee or milk are the only exceptible drinks with breakfast foods. Hopefully she'll have better taste in clothes...............Her baton. That was clever.

Author's Response: Clancy's taste in many things is questionable. If it weren't, this would be a very short story. :)

pinkcorsair 2005.04.08 - 06:18PM 2: Do You Believe In Magic? Signed
You know, I read so many of theses OC stories that I natually assumed that Clancy would be a witch. I might be nice to see Severus and Hogwarts through the eyes of a muggle............So Clancy is a 7 or maybe even a 7.1 That's pretty hot. I've never had anything above a 4.5 Of cource being just a 3 I was greatful to get them....................No, Liz and Lisa didn't tell me to read this. They have recomended your stories a lot. I just saw it on the update list and said what the hell.

Author's Response: "What the hell" - I imagine I get quite a few readers that way. :) You must never assume. This is a highly improbable story, but then again, most romances are.

pinkcorsair 2005.04.08 - 08:20AM 1: Prologue: Witch in Exile Signed
I like the set up. Clancy will definitely be thinking of a completely different person when she meets Severus. It's a little sad that Hillary will never get see her little Severus again. I think that would have been her dying wish....................Hadrian seem like a real tool. We all know that Snape's dad was a real butthole. But I don't think his mother was unloving. I think she would be as much a victim as Severus. I've just read the Prologue. I will continue on.

Author's Response: Greetings, Pink. Did Liz or Lisa send you here? My story may not be racy enough for you, but thanks for checking it out! I agree, from Snape's memories we may assume the mother was also a victim.

phoenix 2005.04.07 - 09:23PM 29: Taking a Chance on Love Signed
Oh, Severus, how little you really know about women. He tried so hard, but still managed to goon it up. He really needs to learn to never leave something important like the ring where a woman can find it, we're snoopy as a whole. :)...I look forward to seeing what happens when they wake up.

Author's Response: It's typical for Snape, the way his luck runs. He's so busy congratulating himself on pulling off his confession, and then he bungles something else. In spite of all the mystery and the magic, men are just men, whether they be wizards or Muggles. Thanks for reviewing, Phoenix!

Sniv 2005.04.07 - 01:32PM 29: Taking a Chance on Love Signed
ROFL omg that is one great and amusing creature (for us at least!) ...*puts thinking-cap on* Hm ok...

Author's Response: If you know of some silly Danish words, feel free to suggest them. As you know, Clancy's surname, Norgard is Danish, so you never can tell what she might select. :)

Grainne 2005.04.07 - 10:53AM 29: Taking a Chance on Love Signed
Okay, all I can come up with, Jarvey-wise is: Statler or Waldorf (after the famous Muppet hecklers) or, in the parliamentary tradition, "Poppycock." I am sorry for sending you to bed with disturbing mental images of Dumbledore!

Author's Response: Thank you for your contributions, and I shall add them to the list! You must remember to contribute something at Mugglenet too, so I won't have to name it Spongebob Jarveypants, as you predicted! ;) I woke up refreshed, with no dribbling, debauched Dumbledore dreams, thank heavens.

Sniv 2005.04.07 - 10:49AM 29: Taking a Chance on Love Signed
Twenty minutes passed. Snape was nearly purple with rage. He flung his wand on the ground, spat on the carpet, and began kicking it. LOL!!! As the hapless wizard struggled to free himself, Professor Dumbledore crossed the lawn to join them. LOL! Aw poor Snape! “Upon your return, do devote a portion of your holiday to brushing up your Occlumency skills. You’re slipping.” LOL! “You mean, like Albus? Of course not. I’m not illegitimate, if that’s what you’re thinking.” LOL! So great that Clancy is a muggle - means that so many things becomes so funny! I still remember the 'pots' and 'cocking' LOL! – next to receiving the Order of Merlin. And, the best part of all, Snape realized with a satisfied smile, I didn’t even have to give her the ring! I can have my Cauldron Cake and eat it too! Good that it didn't become too fluffy here - you avoided that! “What a fabulous discovery! As soon as you perfect it, be sure to drink some of it yourself!” Lol aww poor Clancy! . I think Snape is so Snape'ish in this one. And also the way Clancy and Snape's relationsship is reading just makes it all so realistic and so comical - which I'm sure most relationsships are as long as one self is not in it! . Jarvey? I'm not quite sure what it is (tried to look it up but eh didn't really help) so eh...I'll just pass this one ;)

Author's Response: Thanks for reviewing, Sniv! A Jarvey is an overgrown ferret-like creature. It can speak, but only with insults and rude remarks. I bet you can guess what my plans are for it! :-D

Trickie Woo 2005.04.07 - 01:09AM 29: Taking a Chance on Love Signed
I meant total chaos, with chaos correctly spelled. My mind knows exactly what I want but my fingers don't always cooperate.Dumbledore is correct, women are not forgiving. And we shouldn't be until men either straighten out the mess they've made of the world or hand total power over to women, after all we didn't get the world into the shape that's it's in. Voldemort would never have been female.

Author's Response: Typos happen. Not a problem. :)

LariLee 2005.04.07 - 12:09AM 29: Taking a Chance on Love Signed
“The younger generation has no appreciation for true debauchery. In my day, pomegranate juice was all the rage.” Dumbledore the Debaucher... It does have a ring to it. :-)
The recalcitrant rug plummeted to earth with a resounding thud, directly on top of Snape’s head, knocking him to the ground. You have no idea how hard I laughed at this!
Poor Severus can't propose worth a damn! :-) I really did enjoy this chapter! And I'm suggesting the name Marvy (short for Marvelous) the Jarvey. Or, after reading the reviews, Jarvy Jibes. Excellent chapter!

Author's Response: Thanks, Lisa! I like both names. "Jibes" reminds me of Jeeves. Very cute. Marvey too.

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