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Reviews for Highly Improbable

vanityfair 2005.07.09 - 01:01PM 32: I'm Beginning to See the Light Signed
Another good chapter, but its getting serious now. Looking forward to reading more.

Author's Response: Yes, dark days are ahead. It's going to be a bit of a balancing act to prevent too much angst from creeping in, but it's been my intention all along to keep this light, but at the same time true to canon, without crossing over into parody. Thanks for reviewing! :-)

sophierom 2005.07.09 - 10:11AM 32: I'm Beginning to See the Light Signed
Yay! I'm so glad I decided to stop by Occlumency (haven't been here in a while). First of all, I love this line: "Have I ever claimed to be anything else? Keep trying to redeem me, Clancy. After you’ve peeled away the layers that you assume conceal my nobility, you will find that I’ve never possessed any at all.” When, a few lines later, he warns Clancy that his association with her has put her in danger, he is being noble. I love a Snape who says one thing and then does the contrary. Maybe I'm in a romantic mood this morning, but I found your Snape just lovely in this chapter. Usually, he's hilarious (without meaning to be, of course), but as the rise of Voldemort draws nearer, he's becoming more and more serious, and you do such a good job with this side of him, as well. And I continue to love Clancy. Pat her on the back for me; I know exactly what it's like to feel as if I've failed at everything I try to do! And despite the heartache it caused her, the concert was extremely funny! Can't wait to see more, even though I worry about our intrepid couple's future. Best, Sophie

Author's Response: Thanks for reviewing, Sophie! Snape is always a mass of contradictions, isn't he? He still has much to learn. And Clancy, she has a long and difficult road ahead of her, I'm afraid. Thank goodness she has a sense of humor. She's going to need it.

SeaIsleWitch 2005.07.08 - 09:03PM 32: I'm Beginning to See the Light Signed
The beginning had me worried! That note! The ring! How dare he! But by the ending, I was reassured...especially with the little soft kisses...(*wink!*) Poor Hagrid, he just can't keep his giant mouth closed! I hope El Panpipe and his alter ego Glutgut come back! The camel suit, the canary cremes, and 'smarmpot' really had me giggling! More, I say, more, more, more!

Author's Response: El Panpipe/Glutgut may be away for some time. He's eager to find a mate, after all. But he may pop up when you least expect him. Thanks for reviewing, SIW! :-)

Trickie Woo 2005.07.08 - 05:38PM 32: I'm Beginning to See the Light Signed
It's good to have another chapter I can laugh at; I've been drowning in angst, whatwith the unofficial Angst Fest on Occlumency lately. Fred & George must be worse than I thought, if the 2 of them joining the choir was the worst thing that happened that horrible day. I see youare a gracie Allen fan too, I knew just what Dumbledore thought when she asked for a camel suit and Flitwick does a good Gracie too. Snape was much at comforting her than I expected after that first comment he made. Thanks for the laughs.

Author's Response: Well, I'm a Sigune fan, and she dared...er, requested that I include a reference to a camel suit. If you would care to see a picture of Clancy in her real camel suit, copy and paste this link and it will take you to Sigune's LiveJournal, where you may view the real Golden Trio (of fanfiction, anyway). http://www.livejournal.com/users/sigune/2672.html Any physical similarity between Clancy and her creator are strictly intentional. ;-) Thanks for reviewing!

Spike 2005.07.08 - 05:08PM 32: I'm Beginning to See the Light Signed
wee. some wonderful cheeriness. i was very happy to see this at the top of the updates list. this is one of the two stories i follow very dedicatedly. and i'm with verity and snape, i don't particularly like el panpipe (but i love his name). and i would feel horrible if i had a concert and it went the way clancy's did. good thing snape was there to make it all better ;)

Author's Response: That's very nice to know that you're following this story. That's great to hear! There will be less of El Panpipe in future chapters, so you may draw comfort from the fact that the worst of his damage had already been done. Thank you for reviewing, Spike! :-)

Verity Brown 2005.07.08 - 04:40PM 32: I'm Beginning to See the Light Signed
I'm always so glad to see updates of this! And I'm afraid I'm with Severus--the further El Panpipe is from the school, the happier I'll be. ;~)

Author's Response: Poor Panpipe. He can't help himself. He'll be away for some time, but he may redeem himself, yet. Thanks for reviewing. :-)

Sniv 2005.07.08 - 03:30PM 32: I'm Beginning to See the Light Signed
Oho I enjoyed this chapter very much! I don't know what to quote... I liked how you let us see the changes in Clancy and Snape's relationship due to the Tournemant (and Moody). I enjoyed seeing Skeeter ;-) If one hadn't read GoF I would not have paid any attention to what was on Clancy's wand. I'm eager to see what Dumbledore have made for Clancy to wear...and was it really Snape who has 'stolen' her letters from Lupin?

Author's Response: Re: the letters. Can you think of a more likely suspect? :-) Thanks for reviewing, Sniv!

Grainne 2005.07.08 - 02:16PM 32: I'm Beginning to See the Light Signed
As if by magic, this chapter appeared at the top of the updates list when I logged in, desperate for some good cheer. And from camel suits to canary hoots (should be "tweets" but that doesn't rhyme), it has more than delivered! I so enjoy the relationships you've developed for Clancy with the other Hogwarts staff and students, be they warm or antagonistic. Apart from all of the fantastic quips, my favorite lines were: "Keep trying to redeem me, Clancy. After you’ve peeled away the layers that you assume conceal my nobility, you will find that I’ve never possessed any at all," and Snape's “I believe I have a vague idea, yes," in response to Clancy's, "Do you have any idea what it’s like to want desperately to be a success and earn respect, only to have people talk about you behind your back and treat you like you’re some sort of loathsome freak?" Both are fabulous examples of how you make canon Snape a sympathetic (and yes, even loveable) character in this story. And as for what you did with that pesky beetle! *snickers* Oh, a-spelunking we will go! ;-) Thank you, Vocalion.

Author's Response: "Oh, a-spelunking we will go! ;-)" I believe your reviews are more humorous than the material you're reviewing. Thanks, Grainne! :-D

phoenix 2005.07.08 - 01:50PM 32: I'm Beginning to See the Light Signed
Very smooth how Severus handled Draco and seems to have kept the truth hidden. I absolutely love how he reacted to Draco kicking Panpipe and hoping for Panpipe's demise, very much in line with his distaste for the creature. And I loved this bit: “You’re a horrible person.” “Have I ever claimed to be anything else? Keep trying to redeem me, Clancy. After you’ve peeled away the layers that you assume conceal my nobility, you will find that I’ve never possessed any at all.” Absolutely fantastic lines and definitely very Snape. :D....Hahahaha! Albus and the camel suit. LOL That cracks me up. Now I really want to see what he actually provides her with...Okay, I adored the concert, great use of the canary custards. I really laughed at the song choice since I was just at Disneyland and saw the Tiki bird show and they sing that song, too....Another great addition. I've always loved the humor in this story and you kept it to your same high standards.

Author's Response: Sigune is responsible for the camel suit. She requested that I insert a reference to a camel suit, as a private joke. I didn't realize the Tiki Room used that song! I haven't been to that attraction since I was a small child. But since Aunt Hilly took Clancy to the "Magic" Kingdom when she was eight, that must be where she picked it up! Thanks for reviewing.

Owlbait 2005.07.08 - 01:17PM 32: I'm Beginning to See the Light Signed
“I intend to give you a kiss for each point you took away from Gryffindor.” Sigh. If that were me he made that promise to, Gryffindor would be lucky to see the House Cup with a high-powered telescope!

Author's Response: Yes, some of the ways to the Potions master's heart are very strange indeed. Think what he might do if you had an Order of Merlin, First Class up your sleeve (or wherever you chose to keep it). ;-) Thanks for reviewing!

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